San Blas Sailing Blog

Panama The 7th Most Affordable City in 2014

According to the 2014 Worldwide Cost of Living Index Report publish by The Economist Panama is ranked as the 7th most affordable city in the World. This report compares and analyses 400 individual prices across 160 products and services in 131 cities around the globe.

Full Report

Preceded by other 6 cities located in Asia and Africa and tied with Bucharest (Romania), Panama City has successfully maintained this rank as the 8th most affordable city for 2 consecutive years.


  1. Mumbai (India)
  2. Karachi (Pakistan)
  3. New Delhi (India)
  4. Kathmandu (Nepal)
  5. Damascus (Syria)
  6. Algiers (Algeria)
  7. Panama City (Panama) & Bucharest (Romania)
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