Reviews & Publications

Valpar Sept 2024 – Karl, Danny & Leo

Valpar – Kristina & Jace August, 2024

July 2024 – Eric Donovan

We had a fantastic time with San Blas Sailing. We chartered the VIP One for 3 nights/4 days and enjoyed one of the most memorable trips we’ve had in a long time. Booking was straight forward. Melody was fantastic answering all the back/forth questions of first time cruisers. Transportation picked us up at our hotel and dropped us off at the port. The road is in excellent condition (recently paved) except for the last 2 kms. Please note the road is incredibly windy with lots of up and down portions. If you get car sick, take Dramamine or another motion sickness medication. We had a quick trip on the water taxi to our boat and were the first ones off. We were immediately offered coffee, drinks, and fruit upon boarding and set sail. The next three days were unforgettable: sailing, sitting on the beach, kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, card games in the galley, etc. The Guna crew (Isa, Bali, and Yuri) took great care of us. All the meals and snacks were delicious and carefully prepared. We even caught fish and Isa prepared it fresh for dinner. We had the opportunity for some sailing and Yuri spent time teaching us basic skills. Overall, amazing trip and we’d like to go back and bring our kids so they can experience San Blas.

Breathtaking Laid Back Trip – September 2023

We chartered Zenith sailboat for four days in San Blas. It is one of the most unspoilt areas I’ve ever been to, and it is amazing that it is so close to North America. The boat is absolutely stunning, and Fred the owner/captain is absolutely incredible!! We had amazing food and the crew on board saw The boat saw to our every need. Fred knew exactly where to sail to, and made sure that we had an incredible time. He knows many of the locals which really helps with the trip. This is a great trip to do with friends or couples. I’d recommend you fly to San Blas opposed to taking the jeep ride, and then water taxi.

Bucket list trip! November 2023

This has been a trip of a lifetime! Chris who was my online planner was always available with so much valuable information! He never made me feel like a bother for all my questions!
The catamaran top notch…Beyond Friendly! Started when we met the owner of the boat Fred at the airport! Such a down to earth, sweet man! He truly cares about making sure your trip is the best ever! The small plane ride was great! At landing we are greeted by our amazing Captain Alexia. She is such an impressive young beautiful lady! Jhi (or as we names her Emily lol) was the deck hand and she was so friendly and accommodating ..also an impressive lady! and the Chef Luis was also super friendly BUT his food…OMGGG 5 star meals everyday Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and dessert! So amazing! The best food we have ever had! We stopped at beautiful islands, The Gunas were so nice! Luis bought fresh fish, lobster almost daily! Advice: We brought toys for the Guna kids …pumped up balls, ring pops and coloring books and crayons The kids LOVED it! The catamaran was so beautiful and super comfy. The beds were great! Sleeping with AC was amazing! Would NOT recommend getting a boat without AC! It is so damn hot! We had stand up boards and kayaks! Snorkeling equipment! Alexia brought us snorkeling many times. I can’t say enough! This was a bucket list trip for sure! As soon as I figure it out, we will post many videos

Amazing experience – Awesome trip! December 2023

All I can say is WOW! This goes down as one of my top trips in my 60 years. Boat was super clean, onboard crew were just amazing and fun to be with. Food – OMG I was expecting run of the mill food but we got what I’d consider to be Michelin star food! Lobster and fish caught that day from locals. San Blas is great but remember it is a quiet place, the night life is what you make. Water and beaches are just stunning. Love sitting on the boat at night sipping a beer or four. Fred, the owner was wonderful. Everything we asked for prior to sailing was there for us, even my request for IPA beer!

Trip of a lifetime 10 stars, as 5 is just not enough!!! November 2023

My sister and I planned and researched the best way to see the San Blas islands for my husband’s 60th birthday and our vacation. She found the tour group that helped us select the best fit Catamaran for our trip. Out of all the options she and I instantly knew that the Zenith was our Catamaran. First, during our 1000 questions of Chris (okay maybe not quite a 1000 but I’m sure it was close)! Yet, he patiently answered and even helped us with the selection of our extended Panama City hotel and area to stay questions even though it had nothing to do with the trip he runs. Absolutely professional and extremely helpful!

Also, we were a bit nervous about the wire transfer payment only because it was something we never did before. Wire transfer the deposit and final payment ahead of the trip. We researched that this was a real company and of course it is. I completely confirm it’s safe to do!!! As I ramble on more about just how wonderful this vacation was!

Now on to the Zenith Catamaran, truly the best option for any/all travelers! If I could give 10 stars it would fit this trip better then 5!!! When I tell you this was a trip of a lifetime I am not exaggerating! I’m 57 years old, worked in travel for years, been to Europe, the Caribbean, Mexico and vacationed all throughout the USA; THIS BY FAR EXCEEDED ALL EXPECTATIONS!! Let’s start with the plane trip (I’m a scardy cat and was terrified) But the flight was actually awesome, safe and would do it again! You also need to know that in order to do the flight it took me taking an anxiety pill and washing it down with booze, I was that scared. But after flying twice safely I would NOT hesitate to fly again. Again, Chris’s recommended way to get to the Zenith and he was 100% right!

We met the Zenith’s owner Fred at the airport, what a great, friendly guy!! When planning the food (which was plentiful and the drinks (also plentiful with a large variety) he customized everything we requested as best he could! He obviously strives to assure its a great experience overall, which it was!! The Zenjth was beautiful, the staterooms and beds so comfortable, air conditioning at night which we loved, many wonderful equipment to use (snorkeling, paddleboards, boogie boards, kayaks, dingy and my favorite to float with the noodle, lol! Amazing!

The captain Alexia met us at the plane drop off (This amazing young lady was experienced, confident, friendly, amazingly strong (wow!) and shared my love of all animals (the Guna people’s pets) we completely loved her! The whole crew Jhai (we renamed her “our Emily” (my fault as I misheard her name, lol! I blame it on the anxiety pill I took to face the plane ride)! Anyway another amazing young lady, she assisted with everything, very, very helpful and friendly! We also loved her! And the chef Luis, AMAZING CHEF!!! What you’d expect from a 5 star restaurant in NY City, just wow! Presentation, taste along with spectacular views, I just can’t say enough! Again no exaggeration! He would buy fresh caught seafood from the Guna people and turn it into amazing dishes, he even made us sushi! All our crew were so friendly we were just so sad to leave and wanted to bring them all home with us. We stayed 5 nights and recieved 3 beautiful meals per day, snacks, and amazing desserts (some made from our lovely captai) even a wonderful send off breakfast on departure day very early in the morning. Obviously we loved Luis as well!

The Guna people were friendly and welcomed us on the islands let us walk about their homes. Such wonderful people! My sister and brother in law thought to bring the Guna children blow up bouncy balls, ring pops, and coloring books and crayons. Their little faces lit up it was so much fun!

Now I know how I left a book review, sorry for my long winded ways. But this trip was so wonderful that I feel like I can’t truly capture how special it was. The water, Islands, sun sets and sunrise, amazing!!! I will try to post pictures from the trip but even those which are beautiful don’t truly capture the complete beauty! Paradise!!!

Valpar June 2024 – Oglesby Family

Valpar May 2024 – Teri

Valpar Mai 2024 – Matthieu & Lionel

Valpar April 2024 – Tara & Breanna

Valpar Abril 2024 – Tomas

Todo perfecto con el charter. Osito y Lario fueron una maravilla.

Valpar Avril 2024 – Michel

Ti Kay March 2024- Kelly

We had the most amazing time exploring the San Blas Islands aboard the Ti-Kay. Edu and Adri were the most gracious of hosts leaving us feeling thoroughly spoiled. Adri is a goddess in the kitchen preparing fresh fish and seafood with unbelievable flavor. Edu is a fantastic guide exploring the deserted islands and unspoiled jungle and taking us snorkeling in the crystal clear water to gorgeous coral reefs. The Kuna people were kind and gracious and very happy to share their bit of paradise with us. I hope to return to visit again someday soon for a wonderful vacation of saltwater, sand, sun, and smiles!  

Ti Kay March 24: Breeanna

Edu and Adri were the perfect hosts and I could not have hoped for a better environment than what we experienced on Ti Kay! From the moment we stepped onto the boat we felt like family. Adri is the most amazing cook I have ever had the chance to interact with and Edu is so knowledgeable about the sea and leading the way on our snorkeling excursions. Both of their energy’s are beyond warm annd welcoming. After our 4 days on Ti Kay were up the last thing we wanted to do was leave. I can promise that this experience will be one you never forget so BOOK! We miss you, Edu and Adri and cannot wait to return! 🙂

Valpar Mars 2024: Kitchen & Wisgirda

Valpar March 2024 – Alsina

Ti Kay Fevrier 2024 – Elisa

“Hemos pasado 3 días estupendos en familia descubriendo las islas San Blas o Guna Yala en el “Ti Kay”. Todo estaba genial , el catamarán esta impecable y es muy cómodo para navegar y las cabinas para dormir. Edu el capitán cuenta con una gran experiencia de navegación y conocimiento de la zona nos a acompañado para hacer snorkelling en los arrecifes y a visitar el pueblo Guna . A esto se suma la  hospitalidad de Adriana, llena de detalles para hacernos las vacaciones inolvidables y con un nivel de cocina digno de un restaurante con estrella  . Adriana no olvidaremos tus tagliattes o tu  moqueca de langosta ni tu pulpo a la Luciana “ entre todas las delicias con las que nos has recibido.


Nous avons passé 3 superbes journées en famille à la découverte des îles San Blas ou Guna Yala à bord du « Ti Kay ». Tout était super, le catamaran est impeccable et très confortable pour naviguer et les cabines pour dormir. Edu, le capitaine, possède une vaste expérience de navigation et une connaissance approfondie de la région et nous a accompagné pour faire de la plongée avec tuba dans les récifs et visiter le village  des Guna. A cela s’ajoute l’hospitalité d’Adriana, une merveilleuse cuisinière, pleine d’attentions  pour rendre nos vacances inoubliables et avec un niveau de cuisine digne d’un restaurant étoilé. Adriana, nous n’oublierons pas tes tagliattes ou ta moqueca de homard ou ton poulpe à la Luciana.

Valpar February 2024 – Jarl

Faro – February 2024: Carrie MacDonald

Charlie, Luz, and Miguel gave us the trip of a lifetime. Luz is an amazing chef,the food was absolutely fantastic, sorne of the best l’ve ever had. Charlie and Miguel took us to amazing beaches, reefs for snorkeling, taught us ali about the islands,showed us tons of cool wildlife, and kept us laughing. 1 truly can’t express how awesome this trip was and how much we appreciate everything the Faro crew did for us. They became friends and we already miss them and our time aboard Faro. Can’t recommend them enough.

Ti Kay Janvier 2024 – Antony & Davia

Si vous voulez vivre un rêve éveillé n’hésitez pas une seconde et embarquez à bord du catamaran d edù et Adri . Edu naviguera pour vous faire découvrir chaque jour des petits paradis et Adri assurera un vrai voyage culinaire à vos papilles . A bord tout est prévu pour vous chouchouter et vous mettre à l aise . Nous n avons qu une seule hâte réitérer l aventure !


Ti Kay January 2024: Heidi Handley

We had one of the best experiences of our lives!  Eduardo and Adriana were so warm and wonderful! We enjoyed the best food, and the best company. I did not want to leave the boat, and asked if I could stay on as a sailor!  The weather was not perfect, but the crew more than made up for it with their hospitality and friendliness.  We would so love to do this again!!!


Nikita Janvier 24: Lucky and my crew ;-)

We had a fantastic time. The crew was awesome and fun.
We just remembered that we forgot the map which Leibert wanted to pass over to us.
Is it possible to contact Nikita 1 and Leibert, that he could make a picture of it where he marked all the places we went to the islands?
Thank you so much for all organisation with everything, the pick ups, the plane flights ect.
Best regards,
Lucky and my crew. 😉

VIP ONE Janvier 2024: Enzo

Chère Mélody,

désolé d’écrire en italien mais il est plus facile pour moi de décrire les remerciements que je veux vous adresser pour les splendides vacances que nous avons passées la semaine entre le 30 décembre 2023 et le 6 janvier 2024 à San Blas.

Félicitations avant tout à l’équipage, Isabel, Bali et Juri, trois personnes splendides et vraiment compétentes qui ont rendu nos vacances inoubliables.

C’étaient trois personnes toujours attentives et serviables et nous n’avons jamais eu de problèmes.

Bali nous a toujours suivi avec attention lorsque nous étions en mer et pour toutes nos demandes.

Isabel est une très bonne cuisinière.

Yuri un capitaine attentif qui nous a emmené dans des endroits magnifiques.

Le catamaran était spacieux et nous avons trouvé toutes les cabines bien, selon nos attentes.

Les différentes îles où ils nous ont emmenés étaient très belles et nous avons rencontré les quelques habitants très gentils.

Dans l’ensemble, des vacances excellentes et reposantes comme nous l’espérions.

Merci également pour votre prompte disponibilité lorsque vous avez soutenu nos demandes.

Bien sûr, si nous en avons encore besoin à l’avenir, nous vous contacterons.

Merci pour tout et meilleurs vœux pour votre bon travail.

Gugliotta Enzo < ———

Ti Kay Janvier 2024: Andrea & Tibu

“Hi Leslie,
Everything was great from beginning to end. The transfer to small private plane was fantastic, and getting to/from the boat. And the Ti Kay, captain and crew, couldn’t have been better. We will write them a nice review.
Thank you,

Andrea & Tibu

Aneeka party aboard Ti Kay January 2024

Thank you again for the AMAZING food and company! We had the best time sailing with you and Edu and it was definitely the highlight of our whole trip!! Lauren and I are already talking about coming back, and you may be seeing some of our friends this coming year

Famille Delaunay et autres- VIP Décembre 2023

David Ristig (USA) VIP ONE November 2023

mié., 29 de nov. de 2023 10:15, David Ristig <> escribió:

Hello Bernard.  Just a short note to tell you how much we enjoyed our 4 days/nights on the VIP1.  As we had never experienced this type of trip I wasn’t sure how being on a boat that many days would feel.  I can now say that my family and I could certainly have stayed longer.  Everything was great.  From the driver who picked us up, the assistant at the airport, the pilot, and above all the crew, your company did a great job.  We really enjoyed the crew.  Great people. Whatever you are compensating them I hope you continue to reward them.    We will be sure to recommend San Blas Sailing to any friends who might travel to Panama. All the best. Thanks again. Dave Ristig (USA)

Famille Vachon – Le Petit Poucet – (Quebec- Canada) Nov. 2023

Amazing vacation on Catamaran Zenith

Fabulous week in San Blas !! July 2023

Cony and Sebastian

Hello, in April 2023 we spent 4 amazing days on the Ti Kay together with Edu, Adri and Mer. It was the final of a 3 week trip to Panama and the absolute highlight. San Blas is how Europeans imagine paradise: turquoise water, white, lonely sandy beaches and an exciting, beautiful underwater world. From the first moment we felt very comfortable on the Ti Kay. A great ship with the largest pool in the world, beautiful palm beaches and a great crew. Edu, Adri and Mer were like a small family to us. We spent such great days together and laughed so much. Adri is a fantastic cook. Whether fresh lobster, squid, fresh fruit or Serrano ham, she has always surprised and impressed us. Edu is a very experienced captain and can tell so much about the sea, the Kuna Indians and the world. Mer was snorkeling with us and is an absolute dinghy expert 😉 It was an unforgettable holiday with the Ti Kay crew and we can only recommend this experience to everyone. Thank you so much, stay healthy and happy. Conny and Sebastian

familia DuPont marzo 2023

Hi Gerry,
Tell you the truth, I listen very unusually to the radio stations but did catch your Breakfast Show and did appreciate it.
I am a French Panamanian and have lived in Panama since 1997. With my wife we have now panamanian born grandchildren.
Our profile is quite unusual as we did arrive in Colon by sailboat with 3 children after a 5 years sailing trip. We now run a tour operator – Nativa Tours –  and San Blas sailing a yacht charter company.
I also did modeling and recently did acting in  “Gauguin y el canal” . We recently did get a 1st prize at the International Movie festival of Salerno (Italia).
Maybe we could meet to set up a possible interview at the BS: my profile might interest your public.
Looking fwd to your answer, I stay courteously Yours

2023 Nikita: other great reviews for our full Native Guna crew!

Avec Nikita: au paradis! mars 2023

Peut-être le dernier endroit paradisiaque protégé au monde, pourvu que cela dure ? Oubliez les Maldives ou les Seychelles, les îles sont toutes plus belles les unes que les autres et SANS aucune infrastructures touristiques, SEULS au monde ; de plus les protecteurs des lieux, les Cunas , sont d’une gentillesse extrême ; voilà des souvenirs pour toute une vie ! L’arrivée en avion donne le ton (je vous en laisse la découverte 🙂 ; Merci à notre skipper, Lieberth et Alyssa notre cuisinière : quelle disponibilité, quelle gentillesse !
Enfin la découverte de Panama City fut également parfaite (merci à Jérôme notre guide : aussi intéressant que disponible) Merci à Marie de Globesailor pour le travail parfait de réservation en amont et à Luis qui nous a accueilli à l’aéroport : une belle personne pleine d’attention et de gentillesse ; Bref , TOUT fut PAAAAAARFAIT , paradisiaque,… ALLEZ-y !

Thank you to our reliable and adorable Native crew – Feb.2023

Catch of the day: thank you my Nativa Captain!

How happy were the last Faro Guests!

Want to see how HAPPY were the TI KAY’s last guests?

Audrey, Jeff, Chloe et Clarence aboard – Ti Kay Février 2023

Bonjour , nous venons de rentrer de nos 5 jours aux San Blas , 5 jours formidables, les San blas sont magnifiques tant sur l’eau que sous l’eau…notre séjour sur le TiKay à sublimé ce séjour. Decouvrir les iles en bateau c est déjà magique, nous avons adoré la vie sur le bateau mais nous voulons surtout remercier Eduardo et Adrianna qui ont rendu ce séjour inoubliable.
Eduardo est quelqu’un de tellement intéressant, disponible et gentil…super capitaine et super avec les enfants…un grand merci a lui!
Adrianna c est la joie de vivre, un bonheur au quotidien, une gentillesse incroyable et par dessus tout une cuisinière incroyable. Nous nous sommes régalés chaque jour avec ces recettes.
Un grand merci à eux…ils resteront dans nos souvenirs et dans nos cœur.
Ce séjour dans les san blas à dépassé nos attentes.
Tout était plus que parfait.
Merci encore
Audrey, Jeff, Chloe et Clarence

German couple did enjoy Ti Kay and her crew – January 2023

I hope you are doing well?
Thank you for the Organisation – our Ti Kay Trip was fantastic!! We are now back in Germany in the cold.
We send you a Feedback for your Homepage.
Happy Weekend and Kind regards,
Daniel and Michela
In January we spent 4 days with the Ti Kay crew (Edu, Adriana and Olgi) in the beautiful San Blas Islands. After landing, Eduardo picked us up at the plane and helped us with our luggage and explained the first steps to us. A few minutes later we were already on board “our” catamaran for the next few days. The welcome from the crew was extremely warm and we immediately felt at home. The Ti Kay is a very neat and beautiful ship. On the following days we enjoyed the incredibly delicious lunch and dinner with fresh fish, lobster as well as sophisticated vegetable and dessert combinations – thank you Adri, your cooking skills are just incredible. There was always a suitable wine accompaniment – simply wonderful!
Many exotic fruits or a cold beer were also available at any time. At the islands we approached we had enough time to snorkel, to go on an exploratory tour with the kayak or to relax on the Ti Kay. Eduardo also offered us to snorkel with him and, with a bit of luck, to catch fresh fish – this was even successful, the ceviche was excellent.
With exciting conversations, fun games and a wonderful starry sky over San Blas, the days have passed far too quickly. A great friendship developed with the Ti Kay crew and we can definitely recommend a San Blas trip. We will be happy to return to the Ti Kay ourselves on our next visit to Central America. We wish you all the best, always enough wind and a great time! Greetings from Switzerland, Migi and Dani!

Happy days aboard ” Le Petit Poucet”: February 2023

Lauren Jack Defoe, January 2023 abord Ti kay

It would be hard to put in to words how amazing our vacation was with San Blas Sailing and on board the Ti Kay. Melody was very attentive and helpful organizing  all of the details leading up to our trip, she made the trip seamless and no stress. She provided wonderful communication and was always prompt answering our email questions.  The pick up driver Luis was very professional, the pilot was smooth and efficient.
As for the staff on the Ti Kay — they exceeded all of our expectations!  We loved every single moment on board.  Eduardo, Adriana and Olga welcomed us and wowed us from the first moment until the very end.  We can’t wait to return! The food —- we are still talking about it and wishing we were on board.  Every single meal, snack and dessert was phenomenal and so fresh. Adriana is so very talented. We loved watching the local Guna deliver fresh items and then magically seeing them appear on the table a short time later.  Her presentation and service also can’t be beat. Every meal continued to amaze and impress us.
Eduardo was an excellent captain and we enjoyed his company and entertainment.  There was never a dull moment.  He kept things lively and fun. We enjoyed our daily snorkeling trips, music selections, and entertaining stories.

Olga was so attentive, kind, fun and helpful.  She is an absolute delight!

The boat is lovely and was the perfect space for us. It is very well maintained, clean and comfortable. The crew made us feel like we were family and welcome to enjoy all of the spaces.

We are looking forward to our next vacation on the Ti Kay, and we will certainly be staying longer! We left feeling like family and we are so appreciative for all of the staff and crew.
Lauren, Paul, Joel and Amber

Anne Leonard’s party aboard the VIP ONE 2023

We were on VIP one from 18 December to 26 December and had a fantastic time. We loved everything about the trip. The San Blas Islands were incredibly beautiful, and our crew was amazing. The food was unbelievably good.
Thank you,
Anne Leonard
Four of us from the cold eastern US had the pleasure of sailing on VIP One over the Christmas holiday for 8 nights. What an incredible experience. The yacht was clean, well-maintained, and spacious. But it was our crew that made it an amazing trip of a lifetime. Captain Yuri, First-Mate Bali, and our outstanding chef Isabella were just wonderfully kind people who were always there to help make our trip unforgettable. Yuri and Bali had excellent local knowledge. Yuri has great boat-handling skills, and Bali was always smiling and ready to ferry us anywhere in the dingy. Each day brought new coconut palm-covered islands for kayaking, swimming, or snorkeling. The special extras our crew offered like the Coco Locos and a delicious lunch on an island with a local family were greatly appreciated. We miss the tasty breakfast with fresh fruit, the fresh fish lunches, cocktail appetizers, and dinners with abundant wine. Isabella produced one memorable meal after another. From touchdown in the islands, to take-off, San Blas Sailing’s relationship with the Guna people (our crew) helped us feel welcome throughout the unbelievably beautiful archipelago.

The Riley Family from Hawaï: great time aboard Zenith 01-2023

France Janvier 2023: Merci á Nikita et son équipage!

Tout était parfait!

Argentina visita a Nikita ! 01-2023

Viviana escribe sobre su paseo a bordo del NIKITA:

Janvier 2023: quels souvenirs merveilleux !

Merci le Petit Poucet!

Georg & Jason / USA / January 2023

The Primavera family from California / January 2023

January 2023: another happy guests !

Papaya Viaggi – January 2023

Papaya Viaggi Italy – January 2023

From Italy: January 2023

Antonella y Antonio from Italy – 8 January 2023 – VIP ONE

Janet van Heerbeek (August 17th to 20th)

Fernando / Niño did a very good job. Boat was great, places we went amazing. Food was excellent. It came fresh from the sea and Labor made nice dishes of it. Snorkeling gear could get a check -up / update.
It was a great experience we would not have missed!

Janet & family


Pauline Murphy (August 9th to 12th, 2022)

Florence Demouliere (Août 5 au 8, 2022)

Bonjour Sayra et Sebastian,
Un grand merci à vous pour les moments exceptionnels que vous nous avez fait vivre à bord. Nous avons vraiment apprécié votre professionnalisme, votre gentillesse, vos attentions et vous avez su trouver un rythme qui nous convenait parfaitement.
Les petits plats préparés par Sayra à partir de poissons frais étaient sublimes et les parties de pêche avec Sebastian inoubliables !
Vous nous avez emmenés sur des spots de snorkelling réellement magnifiques et à la hauteur de nos attentes.
Merci également de nous avoir permis de découvrir la population Guna qui vit sur cet archipel.
Nous garderons de merveilleux souvenirs de cette première expérience de croisière 🙂
Bon vent à tous les deux.
Jean-Étienne, Florence, Lisa et Quentin.

Brooke Carleton (July 25th to 29th, 2022)

Ivan Rueff (July 28th to 30th, 2022)

Bonjour Melody j’espère que vous allez bien?! Tout d’abord je tiens à vous remerciez pour votre flexibilité malgré les imprévus. Et ainsi de nous avoir donné la possibilité de profiter de ce séjour mémorable. Ces quelques jours à bord du Nikita ont été incroyable et la compagnie de Niño et de son fils Leiber n’a fait qu’amplifier notre bonheur. Premièrement se sont très bonnes personnes et deuxièmement ils ont été aux petits soins pour nous👌🏻🙏🏻! En résumé nous avons passé un fantastique séjour et nous regrettons de n’avoir pas réservé quelques jours de plus😢! Nous n’hésiterons pas à recommander votre agence si nous entendons que des personnes souhaitent se rendre au Panama! Je vous souhaite tous le meilleur à vous et à votre équipe! Au revoir

Sean Mc Ginley & Friends (June 15 to 20, 2022)

Corine Mennuci (Juillet 14 au 18, 2022)

Hello Sayra et Sebastian
Nous revenons enchanté de notre séjour dans l archipel de San Blas et vous remercions de nous avoir fait découvert ce petit coin de paradis. Nous avons apprécié votre professionnalisme, votre gentillesse et votre discrétion. Nous n oublierons pas la cuisine de Sayra, délicieuse et créative.
Bon vent à tous les deux.
Corine, Patrick et Ugo

Veronica Espinoza & family (April 19th to 22nd, 2022)

Katie Jackson & Freinds (April 10th to 14th, 2022)

Alejandro Abdelnur & Family (April 13th to 18th, 2022)

Chad, Patrick & Travis (March 28th to 31st, 2022)

Smith Family (from March 19th to 23rd, 2022)

U-Xinn Cheang & family (from March 4th to 7th, 2022)

After intensive research, we ended up selecting San Blas Sailing as our catamaran agency, primarily due to the responsiveness and detailed answers from Eunice during the planning process.

We initially had reservations about the requirement to pay in before the trip (most other agencies collect a deposit but allowed you to pay the rest when you get on the boat) but the agency was as advertised and everything worked out fine!

We opted to drive to the departure port (SUVs only) ourselves and Eunice was extremely helpful in providing us details (what model we should rent) and general directions/information. NOTE: The road to Puerto Dibin, although paved, had a lot of potholes and inclines!

As for the experience itself, we selected catamaran Valpar 44 with Captain Roberto. He brought us to a few different islands and was very knowledgeable on questions that we had. More importantly, he was a GREAT chef and alongside with Sylvie and Eduardo, made sure our family of 4 (parents + 4 and 2 year-olds) had all our needs taken care of!

We really enjoyed the beauty of the San Blad islands, food and hospitality of the crew. We communicated with both Eunice and the captain (who told us which water taxi to take from Puerto Dibin) primarily using Whatsapp and email.

We are definitely coming back to San Blas!

Thank you!

U-Xinn Cheang

Franco Campana y Familia (del 16 al 20 de marzo de 2022)

Decidí viajar con mi esposa e hijo menor en sus vacaciones de Semana Santa a Panama.
Eunice nos organizó la gira para la Ciudad de Panamá, Bocas del Toro e islas San Blass.
En esta vimos la ciudad antigua, Canal de Panamá, diferentes tribus indígenas, playas, animales selváticos y otros lugares insólitos.
También viajamos a través de San Blas Sailing a las islas.
Valpar fue el catamaran, Roberto fue el capitán. La pasamos de maravilla. Excelente comida, playas inolvidables y servicio de primera clase.
Esperamos volver nuevamente en un futuro cercano.
Agradecemos enormemente a Eunice por organizar el viaje. Muy profesional, fácil de comunicarse y atenta.
Gracias nuevamente por su servicio.

Jose and Laurence Da Silva (March 15th to 18th, 2022)

Cindy & Nicole Marilley (25-28 January, 2022)

Jean & Matt (Janaury 18th to 21st, 2022)

Diane & Pierre Cuilleret ( January 2023)

We just got home and will keep wonderful memories from our cruise in Guna Yala.
The entire crew Yuri, Isa and Bali were amazing and made all the difference.
The sailing region is beautiful and authentic, with wind around the clock: a delight.
Freshly caught lobster made us feel pampered.
VIP One Lagoon 500 was in generally good condition, especially the recent sails.
Air conditioning worked – a rare treat- although we used it sparsely.
Cushions in the cockpit could do with an upgrade.
On the ground Bernard, Melody and Luis were all very helpful, ensuring smooth air and road transfers at every step.
A memorable family experience !
Many thanks for your help in organising it
All the best,
Diane & Pierre

Wolfgang Birgit & Michael (December 26th to 29th, 2021)

Family Staff (December 26th to 31st, 2021)

Our family of six spent a wonderful week in the Guna Yala (formerly San Blas) Islands of Panama aboard the beautiful 48 foot catamaran Zenith in December 2021.  We booked our trip with Melody of San Blas Sailing.  Melody was nice, easy to work with, and arranged a first class trip. She arranged charter flights to other beaches of Panama, transfers, hotels, and our charter of Zenith.  Everything went very smoothly and right on schedule.  The highlight of our trip was our time on Zenith.  Captain Fred and crew Marina were hospitable, caring, friendly, and fun!  Captain Fred’s deep knowledge of the San Blas islands meant that we spent each night in a beautiful protected anchorage right off the beach of one of the many amazing, mostly uninhabited small tropical islands there.  Both he and Marina seemed on very good terms with the few indiginous Guna who do live out on the islands.  This meant extremely fresh fish or lobster for dinner each night!  Marina’s meals were generous and delicious. She was able to accomodate our daughter’s gluten intolerance by making a special delicious dish for her when the menu dictated it.  The Zenith is really well laid out and equipped for this kind of charter. The staterooms were spacious, clean, and comfortable. Zenith has all the snorkel gear you could want, SUP’s and kayaks.  The water is so clear and warm that it is just as good to swim to the islands as SUP or Kayak. The snorkeling ranged from good to excellent depending on the reef.  We highly recommend San Blas Sailing and the Catamaran Zenith!!

The Staff family from Los Angeles, California

Shane, Sally, Dylan & Tyler Moncrieff (December 19th to 26th, 2021)

Tanga Tanga Team

Lucas, Felipe, Martin y Melanie

Chers Adri et Edu

Nous espérons que vous allez bien! Où vous soyez, au Panama, Italie ou Espagne l’épidémie fait démonstration de force, donc nous pensons à vous, et espérons que vous êtes à l’abri. Nous, quand c’est difficile, rêvons à nos jours sur le bateau avec vous, à nos plus belles vacances de notre vie. Merci encore et prenez soin de vous, bises, Erika et Zsolt les Hongrois de Genève ❤️


Catherine Heller

8 reviews

a week ago

Positive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, Value

Une équipe qui a répondu parfaitement à nos exigences :
– une croisière aux San Blas de 5 jours, organisée juste pour nous avec de très belles rencontres, des paysages à couper le souffle, des fonds marins d’une richesse inouïe sur un bateau très confortable, des langoustes et du poisson pêché du jour fantastiques !
– un séjour dans la région de Chiriqui (Guadalupe et Boquete) avec encore de belles découvertes très bien rythmées. Location de voiture, choix d’hôtels parfaits.
– Une journée qui a commencé avec le train “Panama Railway” de Panama à Gatun. Là notre chauffeur/guide, passionné et passionnant, nous attend pour nous faire découvrir le Canal (écluses de Gatun) puis route vers Portobelo, découverte de la région et retour avec notre guide à Panama City.
15 jours de rêves et aucun point négatif ni de regret. Tout notre séjour a été parfaitement rythmé, encadré juste quant il fallait comme il fallait. Un très grand Merci à toute l’équipe !

Reviews 2019


Rosana Viejo

5 estella

Hace más de una semana nos despedimos de el gran capitán Edu y de la verdadera jefa del barco, Adri. Navegar por San Blas con ellos le hace a uno sentirse libre y ligero. Una experiencia más que recomendable. No sabéis cómo se os echa de menos aquí en el asfalto…besos grandes y mil gracias por todo.

TD Smyers

Our short voyage in the San Blas Islands was made unbelievably beautiful by our hosts Captain Eduardo and Adriana. They … are wonderful people and masters of hospitality. To experience these islands and the Kuna people in a personally moving way that leaves a lifetime of rich memories (while enjoying PHENOMENAL cuisine), make haste to book a sail on Ti Kay! are wonderful people and masters of hospitality. To experience these islands and the Kuna people in a personally moving way that leaves a lifetime of rich memories (while enjoying PHENOMENAL cuisine), make haste to book a sail on Ti Kay! are wonderful people and masters of hospitality. To experience these islands and the Kuna people in a personally moving way that leaves a lifetime of rich memories (while enjoying PHENOMENAL cuisine), make haste to book a sail on Ti Kay!are wonderful people and masters of hospitality. To experience these islands and the Kuna people in a personally moving way that leaves a lifetime of rich memories (while enjoying PHENOMENAL cuisine), make haste to book a sail on Ti Kay!

They are wonderful people and masters of hospitality. To experience these islands and the Kuna people in a personally moving way that leaves a lifetime of rich memories (while enjoying PHENOMENAL cuisine), make haste to book a sail on Ti Kay!

Trake Ezcaray‎ 

26 de setembro de 2015 ·

Muchas gracias Edu y Adriana por esta semanita que se nos va a hacer inolvidable. Que bien lo hemos pasado y que bien hemos comido. Para muestra, un boton… o un foton 😉

Cyril-Paul Casanova 

8 de janeiro de 2016 · Cidade do Panamá ·

Un très très grand merci pour l’accueil , votre gentillesses n’a d’égale que votre sourire! Nous avons passé quelques jours grâce à vous fabuleux..

Jeanine Denis Renaldo‎ 

18 de fevereiro de 2017 ·

Honneur, respect et un immense merci à tous les deux !

Adri et ses linguines aux langoustes … dé ! Une cuisinière hors pair !

Adriana et Eduardo,
Cette semaine de croisière aux San Blas demeurera pour nous un souvenir inoubliable.
Avec votre catamaran Tikay, si remarquablement entretenu, vous nous avez fait découvrir les merveilles de ces îles, la spontanéité des échanges avec les Kunas et les joies d’une vie simple proche de la nature.
Adrianna nous a régalé de ses préparations unissant parfaitement les produits de la mer, les légumes et les fruits locaux, avec le tour de main digne des grands chefs.
Eduardo nous a fait voyager en toute sécurité, nous permettant de profiter au maximum des lieux de baignade, de découverte sous-marine et de pratique du kayak.
Votre couple sait nous mettre à l’aise et anticiper nos moindres désirs.
Vous formez un couple si complémentaire !
Les échanges que nous avons eus restent dans nos cœurs.
Nous vous remercions pour tous ces agréables moments passés ensemble.

Janine et Denis
Martine et Alain

Patricia Scholtissek‎ 

4 de março de 2017 ·

Adriana é a melhor cozinheira do arquipélago!!!! Passamos 3 dias maravilhosos com Adri e Edu em San Blas Obrigada.

Perla Graglia Baute‎ 

5 de agosto de 2017 · Santa Clara, Coclé ·

Hermoso lugar. Y hermoso viaje. El catamarán impecable. La comida exquisita y la atención muy buena. Recomendable 100%…Gracias Adriana y Eduardo

Thais Laespada‎ 

5 de julho de 2019 ·

Gracias, Gracias, mil gracias por estas vacaciones. Si la primera vez fue espectacular, la segunda ha sido increíble. Hemos disfrutado muchísimo, San Blas es el paraíso, y tener a Edu y Adri dedicados a nosotros las 24 horas del día. Que lujo¡¡ Cómo hemos comido¡¡ madre mía… Adri, que artista eres, que manjares… y Edu millones de gracias por tu dedicación, que buceos¡¡
El Tikai es un placer para los sentidos. Hemos disfrutado Panamá y hemos descansado como hacia mucho tiempo¡¡
Siempre lo digo… Mis mejores vacaciones¡¡¡

Antoine Garric  

28 de outubro de 2018 ·

We had an incredible cruise with a such a truely nice, friendly and caring équipage !!!
My best holidays ever.
Lovely spots, super great food. Just paradise.
Alix et Antoine

Jeanine Denis Renaldo 

18 de fevereiro de 2017 ·  – 5 estrela

Cette croisière fut pour nous inoubliable. Une semaine de pur bonheur ! Adri et Edu restent nos cœurs !

Harreson R Mayers  

22 de dezembro de 2018 ·

Eduardo & Adriana are awesome…great food, day-trips, fun, fun, fun…plus relaxing, clean boat & very comfortable. They always made sure we had everything we needed. What a beautiful place the San Blas islands w/ caring/loving people.

Shirah Umansky

17 de março de 2019 ·

Amazing! Eduardo and Adriana are the best! They showed us some amazing beaches and snorkeling. The absolute best part was the way they are with the kids! Our kids (6 and 4) will forever remember this trip and be changed forever. And when the kids went to bed, we had a blast “adulting” with them!! Highly recommend!

Elisabeth Martini Daube  

9 de dezembro de 2017 · – 5 estrela

Merveilleuse croisière avec notre super capitaine Eduardo qui a péché le plus beau Baracuda de toute la mer des Caraïbes et notre merveilleuse cuisinière Adriana
Oï Adriana eu estou fazendo a sua receita de courge com camaroes mais nao vai ser tao boa combo a sua

Doris Beckmann

14 de janeiro de 2018 · – 5 estrela

Sunshine, incredible Caribbean islands, well preserved by indigenous people, beautiful under-water scenery, peacefulness and amazing hospitality!

Sailing San Blas with Eduardo and Adriana on their Catamara Boat has been a unique lifetime experience.

We discoverd the beauty of the San Blas islands and the kindness of the Guna people. Eduardo and Adriana are the best hosts you can ever imagine. They let you feel safe & home on their boat, welcome you like friends, take you to the most amazing spots and create 5star-food. I spent one of my best holidays ever with them. There is no better way of enjoying the Caribbean – thank you from the bottom of my heart, Edu & Adri!

Laetitia Vecchierini 

Recomenda Catamaran TI KAY SBS.

21 de junho de 2019 ·

We had a wonderful one week experience on the tikay! Eduardo and Adriana will show you the best of San Blas (beautiful islands, sharks, tortules, etc.), and make you best food ever !
They love people, sea, and will share their incredible life with you !

Math De De Bitter

Recomenda Catamaran TI KAY SBS.

15 de Dezembro de 2018 ·

We have a great time on the San Blas Islands on the catamaran from Eduardo and Ariana. What a nice couple, the do everything for you so that you have a nice trip. They serve delicious food, good drinks, and they bring you to the nices islands. Eduardo, Adriana, we love you and hope we see eachother in june / july.

Saul Fuks

18 de outubro de 2019 ·

Viajar con el capitan y la tripulante chefa es lo mejor que te puede pasar en la vida.

Lisette Cozijnsen

13 de fevereiro às 20:05 ·

First of all San Blas is a great place and Adriana en Eduardo made our visit here one we will never forget! They are sublime hosts who know when to let you relax and when it is time for nice and interesting conversations. The food that Adriana serves is delicious! And the Ti Kay is a comfortable and wel maintained catamaran. During the three days we spent we have experienced a nice balance between sailing, snorkeling, visiting the islands and relaxing.

Jean Philippe Chirola (29 février au 7 mars)

Faisant  partie  du groupe qui a navigué sur VIP ONE la semaine dernière,  je tiens à vous féliciter pour votre remarquable organisation.

Du taxi aller, jusqu’au retour, tout a été parfait.

Certes, les paysages sont á couper le souffle, mais la compétence, le professionnalisme  et surtout l’amabilité et la joie de vivre de l’équipage ont contribué à rendre cette croisière exceptionnelle.

Au nom de tout le groupe, je vous dis un grand MERCI. ( on a apprécié le pastis !!! )

Rip Reeve & Family – Dec 27th 2022 to Jan 3rd 2023

Good Morning Neris and thanks for all your assistance on this trip.  We had a wonderful time in Panama City and VIP One!   All your arrangements went through smoothly and we couldn’t ask for a more pleasant trip for the family, so thanks again for your wonderful planning and execution on every aspect of it.   The drivers, hotel, Panama tour guide, and boat/crew were all most pleasant and enjoyable.   We’re happy to answer specific questions you may have, but please know we have nothing but good things to share!!!

Sergi & Nicole + Alain 30/11/2019

Erika Molnar

Nous avons passé quatre jours inoubliables sur TIKAY. Adri et Edu sont des personnes authentiques et chaleureux, le catamaran super et les repas délicieux. La beauté du paysage et les belles surprises de la mer, des gunas, la pêche nous ont offert la douceur de vivre pendant ce temps, hélas trop court. Merci Adri et Edu

Ann Trunko

We had the best time on our trip!  Eduardo and Adriana were the most amazing hosts!!  They really made our trip perfect – their knowledge of the area, the unbelievable food, and the great company.

Erik and Anna Little

We had the BEST time! Thank you very much for such a memorable and adventurous experience. It surpassed any expectation we had, and we are still raving about the food (sooooo good!). We definitly want to return and do this all over again.

Many Thanks,
Anna and Erik Little

April 26: Unforgettable Vacation!

Fred & Rosanno & Hyuen

Thank you for an unforgettable vacation.

We enjoyed every minute, every meal, your personal treatment to each and one of us,

You are great!!!

The Givonys,The Millers, The Govens, The Ramots.

From Israel,  April 29, 2019


Sylvia Johansson – Abril 2019

Quería escribirles unas líneas para agradecerles la organización de nuestro viaje a Panamá. Todo fue muy bien, hemos disfrutado un montón y nos ha encantado visitar vuestro maravilloso país.

El único pequeño inconveniente fueron los insectos. (Sandflies)

Por lo demás, como te comentaba al principio de mi email, todo ha ido muy bien y hemos estado muy a gusto con el programa que nos organizasteis y las personas que nos han atendido durante el viaje. Muchas gracias y esperamos poder volver de nuevo!

Familia De la Guardia – Abril 2019

Hemos pasados 5 dias de suenos a bordo del Jivago

gracias al capi Jason

Maria y Jose


March 2019

Valpar nos gusto !!!

Valpar en marzo ….

Marzo a bordo de Valpar


november 2018


Paul BOURY – Mars 2019

Le catamaran est bien et l équipage exceptionnel..capitaine Roberto super et helena cuisinière hors pair.. on rentre cette nuit à paris bons vents cordialement 

Envoyé de mon iPhone  PAUL BOURY  —   MARS 2019

David Kemp family – Ti kay – March 2019

We spent 3 days sailing aboard the Ti Kay in San Blas off the coast of Panama in March 2019. We are a family of 5 from Minnesota with kids ages 19, 15 and 11. This was our first time ever booking a sailing charter. The experience exceeded our expectations in every way.

Firstly, the San Blas island themselves are truly spectacular. There are beautiful virgin beaches, turquoise waters, marine life, and endless coral reefs to explore. The Ti Kay is modern, nicely appointed 40 foot catamaran that has been meticulously maintained.

Captain Eduardo and his wife Adrianna were are hosts and really made our experience extra special. Adrianna is a Milan trained cook and prepared truly gourmet meals for us while accommodating very strict dietary requests due to allergies. Eduardo took us to beautiful islands and coral reefs. And when he wasn’t navigating, Eduardo took extra care and patience with our family, teaching us about snorkeling, sailing and life on the seas. Eduardo and Adrianna’s hospitality was exceptionally warm and gracious, and our family thoroughly enjoyed our time with them. Until next time!!

David Kemp

Jeremy,Milena & children, March 2019

Denise & Daniele February 2019


La experiencia del Zenith II ha sido fenomenal. El capitán Fred y Alexis han sido encantadores, espectacular las excursiones, su atención, el trato fenomenal con todos nosotros. El barco está igualmente de maravilla, camarotes, baños, etc…

Nicolas San Roman, 15 de agosto del 2018


Avec un peu de retard (mais tout s’enchaine si vite), je voulais vous dire un grand merci pour notre escapade sur le cata, c’était magnifique!!! Je suis très content de tout…




Andrew & Belinda May 2018

Samantha and David – May 2018




Best experience in my life – Daniel Graham 01/18

Buenas Tardes

Mi experiencia fue buenisima y doy gracias a eunice y la tripulacion por tan buena experiencia.

Saludos cordiales

Daniel Graham

April 2018 aboard Zenith – San Blas sailing Salinas 48′ catamaran –

Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 11:52 AM
To: Eunice Ritter
Cc: Alvaro Ruiz de Velasco
Subject: Re: San Blas Sailing

Buenos días Eunice,

Nos gustaría daros la enhorabuena por el fin de semana tan bueno que nos habéis hecho disfrutar. La organización has sido perfecta desde el primer momento (avión, recogida, etc..) El trato que nos ha dado Fred el capitán y su ayudante Martina ha sido excelente!! Siempre estaba atento a lo que necesitásemos, pendiente de todos los detalles. Nos ha hecho sentirnos como en nuestra casa desde el momento en que llegamos. La comida buenisima, las bebidas siempre frías, nunca falto hielo, los equipos de buceo, pesca, kayack, etc de primera clase. Los camarotes, baños y demás instalaciones del barco perfectos con todo tipo de detalles.

De verdad First Class!

Vamos a recomendar a todos nuestras amistades que contraten el Zenith con su capitán Fred y que conozcan San Blas atraves vuestro.

Una vez mas enhorabuena por tener al Zenith con su capitán Fred!!

Muchas gracias y volveremos pronto!

Carlos y Alvaro

Enviado desde mi iPad


Hace unos días recibimos una llamada de Debra ……, para comentarnos un poco acerca de su viaje este mes de marzo a bordo del VIP ONE.
El barco les pareció de verdad muy lindo y que estaba en una condición impecable, que todo estaba limpio y en buen estado.
La tripulación también les pareció muy buena y amable.

March – 2018

Groupe amis Canzano jean Pierre -MARS 2018

JEAN PIERRE CANZANO et 6 de ses amis

VIP ONE mars 2018:  « Chère équipe de San blas sailing : Tout c’est très bien passé. Yuri et Edu sont bien efficaces et très attentionnés. Lucy, notre chef, était très à la hauteur, bonne cuisinière très attentive, avec beaucoup d’amabilité et d’enthousiasme. Tout le monde a été très content. Il faut me donner votre lien pour faire des commentaires sur internet »

Jon Powers- Feb. 2018 (Shared Cabin Cruise)

VIP ONE – 2017

Elisabeth Martini Daube

Merveilleuse croisière avec notre super capitaine Eduardo qui a péché le plus beau Baracuda de toute la mer des Caraïbes et notre merveilleuse cuisinière Adriana
Oï Adriana eu estou fazendo a sua receita de courge com camaroes mais nao vai ser tao boa combo a sua

Rosana Viejo – Abril 2017

Hace más de una semana nos despedimos de el gran capitán Edu y de la verdadera jefa del barco, Adri. Navegar por San Blas con ellos le hace a uno sentirse libre y ligero. Una experiencia más que recomendable. No sabéis cómo se os echa de menos aquí en el asfalto…besos grandes y mil gracias por todo.

TD Smyers

Our short voyage in the San Blas Islands was made unbelievably beautiful by our hosts Captain Eduardo and Adriana. They are wonderful people and masters of hospitality. To experience these islands and the Kuna people in a personally moving way that leaves a lifetime of rich memories (while enjoying PHENOMENAL cuisine), make haste to book a sail on Ti Kay!

Thais Laespada

Una experiencia increible¡ san Blas es un sitio único, y la estancia en el Tikai es un lujo. Edu te guia, te explica… una gozada.. y adri, que voy a decir de la cocina de Adri… madre mia.. hay que probarla.. única¡ los desayunos, las comidas y las cenas son una maravilla¡ Son unas vacaciones para recomendar sin ninguna duda!!!

Doris Beckmann / January 2018

Sunshine, incredible Caribbean islands, well preserved by indigenous people, beautiful under-water scenery, peacefulness and amazing hospitality!

Sailing San Blas with Eduardo and Adriana on their Catamara Boat has been a unique lifetime experience.

We discoverd the beauty of the San Blas islands and the kindness of the Guna people. Eduardo and Adriana are the best hosts you can ever imagine. They let you feel safe & home on their boat, welcome you like friends, take you to the most amazing spots and create 5star-food. I spent one of my best holidays ever with them. There is no better way of enjoying the Caribbean – thank you from the bottom of my heart, Edu & Adri!

Kristen Blanchard, july 22-27, 2017

Wow what a wonderful trip !  We all were amazed by the boat size and space and the wonderful crew.  Also, the chef was amazing. There are so many great memories !  It is definitely  the way to vacation and travel!  We don’t want to see islands any other way now.  We will definitely return and do this again  on  Jubilee. Highlights of the trip…… Late night  dolphin show, they were   swimming around the boat . There were at least 5 dolphins jumping  and flipping.  We ate fresh lobster, crab, and octopus. We took wonderful  naps after lunch on the lounge beds….. Snorkeling  and kayaking…. Visiting  with our friends was awesome.  The islands were amazing, so many to visit, so relaxing and beautiful clear water !

Garett Awad, july 22-27, 2017

Garett speaking……my wife and I were fortunate enough to go on the Jubilee this summer. It was truly a trip of a lifetime. The ship was immaculate, the rooms felt like hotel rooms and the staff was beyond professional.  Our chef was divine!     Its a very special trip as not only are the San Blas islands one of a kind but the crew of Jubilee  knew the perfect places to take us. I would highly recommend this to anyone and we plan on taking the trip again ourselves sometime!

Bevan, Sandra &  Phil, Kels / JIVAGO Sept. 2017

We recently spent a wonderful few days out on JIVAGO at the start of Sep and I just wanted to pass on our thanks to our wonderful skipper Yuri for taking care of us and ensuring we had a delightful experience. Nothing was too much effort for him and his cooking skills were tremendous. The snorkeling in this area is to die for and I would recommend to all this is a place worth visiting. The vessel is ok and we had no problems getting around I was fortunate that our dear friend Sandra could speak Spanish making all our lives that little easier, however, Yuri is a masterful skipper who managed to pick up on all of our needs even if in English. Thanks for the memories Yuri. A few photos attached, of our adventure.

Bevan, Sandra &  Phil, Kels

Ti Kay ∼ Un Acto de Vida, Un Privilegio

María y Jorge Elfman  ∼ 09/2017

Final de nuestro viaje…..Conclusiones:

Entorno llamativamente virgen.  Maravilloso escenario que naturalmente incorporamos desde de la confortable platea del Ti Kay.

Adriana y Eduardo, sus tripulantes, naturales como el entorno.  Ideas, pasiones, contradicciones y esperanzas compartidos y debatidos.  Diversidad, mundo interior y mirada finita, todos enredados en sentimientos básicos, sin ropajes, inherentes a nuestra condición de humanos.  Pasiones así presentadas potenciaron entorno y vivencia.

Un acto de vida. Un privilegio.

Cechef1 – December 2017

“Great Trip and Crew”

We spent four days on this catamaran just before Christmas.  The crew made excellent meals with Alex, just in for a short while from Paris, and Cota working some magic.

The berths were very comfortable and we had a great time.

Kayaks were great as was the snorkeling.  I cannot describe how beautiful these islands were.  I have been to a lot of beaches and these were the nicest.

A boat trip is only as good as the crew and this was the best.  Thanks Captain!

Stef Biemans – Febrero 2017

Hola Eunice,

Ya estamos en la ciudad de Panama, la pasamos muy bien con Yuri en las islas. Yuri tiene una manera muy especial de atender a sus huespedes, con mucho cariño sin ser fingido o exagerado, muy servicial pero es un lider a la vez, que te hace sentir seguro porque sabe navegar. Es un capitan y un chef, un amigo y un excelente guia sobre la cultura Kuna y la fauna del caribe. Tuvimos momentos muy emocionantes verlo pescar, los niños estaban impresionados.

Les mando fotos por si quieren actualizar su pagina 🙂



explore the article by clicking: WISH Magazine – May 2014 – VIP ONE – San Blas




VIP ONE : excellent service and yacht

Paul & Sophie- February 2017

Denis Renaldo – Febrero 2017

Bien chers Adrianna et Eduardo,

Cette semaine de croisière aux San Blas demeurera pour nous un souvenir inoubliable.

Avec votre catamaran Tikay, si remarquablement entretenu, vous nous avez fait découvrir les merveilles de ces îles, la spontanéité des échanges avec les Kunas et les joies d’une vie simple proche de la nature.

Adrianna nous a régalé de ses préparations unissant parfaitement les produits de la mer, les légumes et les fruits locaux, avec le tour de main digne des grands chefs. Eduardo nous a fait voyager en toute sécurité, nous permettant deprofiter au maximum des lieux de baignade, de découverte sous-marine et de pratique du kayak.

Votre couple sait nous mettre à l’aise et anticiper nos moindres désirs. Vous formez un couple si complémentaire !

Les échanges que nous avons eu restent dans nos cœurs. Nous vous remercions pour tous ces agréables moments passés ensemble.

Bien sincèrement,

Janine et Denis Renaldo – Martine et Alain Ponsich

Antoine Febrero 2017

Antoine, a la izquierda, es un famoso navegante francés y cantante #Panamá #Sanblassailing #sailing #tours #vacations

A post shared by San Blas Sailing (@sanblassailing) on

Marie Therese – Janvier 2017

Bonjour Eunice,

Enchantés du séjour aux îles San Blas, Yuri est charmant, très bon capitaine, cuisinier et toujours attentionné.


December 2016

Chère Melodiy,

Juste un petit mot pour vous dire que nous avons passé un sejour vraiment agreable dans l archipel des San Blas et avons ete ravis. Le temps a ete magnifique et les paysages de toute beauté.
Nous avons beaucoup economisé pour partir tous les 7 pour cette semaine de vacance et ces vacances ont été tres reussies et reposantes. Gilbert et Amarylis ont ete d une grande gentillesse, tres professionnels et ont fait de ce voyage un moment exceptionnel malgré un incident avec certains de nos enfants qu ils ont su gerer avec calme et intelligence et avec notre soutien.

Nous vous souhaitons ainsi qu a votre famille une tres bonne année 2017

Aimee Pourroy – December 2016

Thank you so much for looking into it!

We had an amazing trip and loved every minute of it. Ninô and Isabel were great! The transportation was flawless and we were sad to leave.

Thank you for all the communication and making our trip the best so far!

BubOKC – 2016

tripadvisorMy wife and I, both seniors, spend five delightful days with Adrian and Jean Pierre Cassotti on their well appointed, comfortable and splendidly maintained sail boat, Le Ptit Poucet. Our below deck guest cabin was roomy, well ventilated and comfortable. The San Blas area is well worth a visit and any good guide book will provide much more information than I can write here. Read more…

Marjolaine – October 2016


Tjaša Šter

Hi Jaime, I hope you are fine. It is quite a long time after our last contact. We have very busy time after our return from Panama, but very nice memories. We would like to let you know that we were very satisfied on the Roberto’s catamaran. He is very nice, and  experienced person, and a very good cook. We would definitively recommend him to everyone who decides for San Blas Islands. We wish you all the best, and best regards from Slovenia, Tjasa, Miha, and Tin Ster

Francine et Pierre – Juillet 2016

Bonjour Bernard,

Nous avons fait un voyage génial qui a été apprécié de tous.Tout a été sur des roulettes: Raphaël nous a amené à des endroits super sympathiques pour faire du snorkeling et admirer les coraux et poissons et aussi pour visiter des îles tandis que Cota et son aide Kuna nous ont préparé de très bons repas santé. En plus, le beau temps était des nôtres.
Deux commentaires constructifs: 1) il serait bien d’acheter de nouveaux masques de snorkeling avec tubas, puisque plusieurs sont brisés (verres décollés, bandeaux de tête brisés, absence de clip pour le tuba etc); 2) le dingy semble en mauvais état…Raphaël a dû réparer une déchirure existante qui avait fuit et dégonflé le dingy.
Nous sommes très satisfaits et recommanderons à d’autres vos services.

Demain je passerai en fin d’avant-midi au bureau pour te remettre un colis que Raphaël m’a laissé pour toi.

Celia Diaz – Junio 2016

Muy estimado Jaime  llegando de nuestro viaje a San Blas quisiéra darle las gracias  y manifestarle en nombre de mis amigos , familia y en el mío propio,  lo satisfechos que estamos con toda la experiencia y el exquisito y diligente trato obsequiado por  RAFI, COTA y EDU  abordo el velero VIP ONE   tenga la certeza de que lo recomendaremso ampliamente y que  sin lugar a dudas  jamás nos platearemos  volver a San Bas si no es de la mano de ustedes y  por supuesto de ser posible con esta misma tripulación d elujo que tiene todo.. Diligencia, Buena voluntad, cortesía , inteesante conversación , maravillosa gastronomía   completa discresión al momento de hacerse accesibels pero dando al huesped el espaso e intimidad que uno quiere tener..


Morten F – February 2016

tripadvisorMy girlfriend and I had booked 5 days on board the catamaran Valpar with the captain Roberto and his assistant Samira. It was just the 4 of us and we had an amazing time. We sailed around the beautiful islands, snorkeled, explored the islands on foot, visited the locals, and ate some delicious food. Continue reading…

Julie – March 2016

tripadvisorWe spent 3 days and 3 nights on board the VIP One catamaran with Yoan, Anais and Eduardo. They did a great job making us comfortable. We sailed to several islands; Caya Hollandase, Salerdup – where we met some local Gunas. Continue reading…

Luca – Avril 2015

Hello Melody,

Avant de rentrer en plein rush de la semaine,
Ce rapide message pour vous remercier de nous avoir permis de profiter de Nikita cette fin de semaine,

Le capitaine est sans aucun doute une personne exceptionnelle et a toujours été très attentionné et un ange avec les enfants.
Nikita est un super bateau et les iles merveilleuse

Tout c’est super bien passé et on attend la visite des prochains copains pour remettre ça.

Mille merci

Jessica Lebbe de France et du Québec – Janvier 2016

Thierry (Bob) et Corinne – Février 2016

Bonjour Bernard et Melody,

Nous voulions vous remercier pour la superbe expérience en croisière sur le Catamaran pour visiter les îles San Blas et de la chance que vous nous avez accordée d’être les seuls clients à bord.

Gilbert et sa compagne étaient très prévenants et nous étions dans un climat serein et apaisant. Les repas furent très copieux et de qualité.
Les lieux où nous avons jeté l’ancre étaient très beau également.

Bien cordialement,

Bernard Enry – Jan 2016

De retour des Îles San Blas je voulais vous faire part de mes commentaires. Nous avons passé un séjour merveilleux grâce à Roberto notre capitaine et Alvin son marin. Ils ont étaient formidables. Les talents de chef cuisinier de Roberto sont étonnants. Dignes d’un chef étoilé ( langoustes au four, carpacio de poisson, poisson au sel, pasta merveilleuses Seviche mexicain etc etc. ) Sa connaissance des Îles et des indigènes nous ont permis de découvrir le lieux d’une manière exceptionnelle. Nous ne pouvons que recommander à vos clients cet équipage toujours prêt à faire le maximum pour faire plaisir. Je vous autorise à diffuser cet e-mail

Ruben, Liz, Xavi, Alex and Family – January 2016

Muchas Gracias a Yoan, Anais y Eduardo por una gran aventura en VIP-One en San Blas al comienzo del año!

No suelo dejar comentarios ni opiniones sobre mis experiencias con algún servicio pero la verdad es que en esta ocasión tengo que compartirla. Desde que pusimos un pie en el Catamaran VIP-ONE sentimos una hospitalidad y atención increíble. Nada como empezar esta aventura con unas cervecitas bien frías y luego una comida increíble. Con respecto a la comida siempre fue variada y además deliciosa, muchas veces se comía lo que se pescaba el mismo día. Las islas visitadas fueron hermosas y siempre fuimos involucrados en actividades como snorkeling, paddle board, kayak y volleyball. Ellos fueron muy atentos con nuestras necesidades y siempre preguntaban si todo se encontraba bien en el caso que necesitasen ayudar. Una experiencia inolvidable con Yoan, Anais y Eduardo. El mejor inicio de año jamás deseado!

Patrick Lebbe – Janvier 2016

Bonjour, suite à notre séjour sur le P’tit Poucet du 05 janvier au 08 janvier 2016, je dois dire que nous sommes satisfaits de notre petite croisière de 3 jours qui s’est bien passée sur le bateau avec bonne humeur et beaucoup de plaisir à découvrir ces îles merveilleuses de San Blas. Adrienne et Jean Pierre sont des personnes faciles à vivre, pour tout dire, le capitaine a des qualités de maître à bord avec du caractère en particulier lors des manœuvres de navigation et l’hôtesse a des qualités de cuisinière incontestables, et tous les deux sont à l’écoute de leurs hôtes. La mise en confiance et l’adaptation a été rapide pour chacun de nous trois. Nous avons vécu des moments très agréables en leur compagnie.

La première journée nous a permis de découvrir les îles environnantes du point d’ancrage du bateau et d’observer le milieu sous marin avec masque et tuba. Le deuxième jour, nous avons donc fait une navigation de 2H30 pour nous rendre aux îles Los Cayos Holandesas qui sont vraiment paradisiaques, et sur l’une desquelles où nous avons côtoyé les Kunas et partagé un repas. le troisième jour si vite arrivé nous a permis d’apprécier à nouveau cet endroit de dépaysement total et de regagner notre point de départ dans l’après midi.

Voila en quelques mots mes sentiments par rapport à ce petit voyage évidemment trop court!

Je suis convaincu que d’autres facettes du Panama restent à découvrir, et nous gardons à l’horizon cette destination dans nos carnets de voyage.

Jay & Carole – November 2015

Adriana & Jean Pierre,

Good to hear from you. I’m glad Jean Pierre is feeling better. We thoroughly enjoyed our few days on the boat with you folks! Also, G, with his local knowledge and connections was a marvelous addition! We would gladly recommend you to anyone!

My pictures are not quite ready yet, but I think there are some good ones. When they are ready, I will put them up on Flickr and you would be welcome to use any of them you would like on your web site. With Christmas almost upon us, it may be the first of the year before I am able to put them up. If you haven’t heard from me in a few weeks, e-mail me to remind me.

Au Revoir et prenez soin de vous!

Coreen Octubre – 2015

Anabella Bustillos – Octubre 2015

Fue un cumpleaños inolvidable, les agradezco todas las atenciones por mi cumpleaños, el Capitán Polo y Beto excelentes anfitriones. San Blas es hermoso de verdad que toda una experiencia.

Felipe Matthaei, Matías Rodríguez, Tomás Muller , Antonella , Pilar y Francisca – October 20

Buenas tardes , hoy termino nuestra estadía en el Catamaran “Vip One”, nos atendió Yoann Pellerin , Anais Corpet y Eduardo y queremos felicitar a este equipo de gente maravillosa , siempre muy atentos, contentos, serviciales y siempre preocupados de nuestra comodidad y bienestar.

Yoann siempre nos atendió muy, muy bien, fue un capitán muy responsable y atento en todo momento, Anais nos atendió como reyes a todos con sus esquistos platos y su atención de primer nivel y Eduardo siempre muy alegre y dispuesto a ayudarnos en lo que fuese , estamos muy agradecidos de la tripulación que nos toco, todo estuvo perfecto, fueron unas inolvidables vacaciones gracias a este tremendo equipo que tuvimos la suerte de conocer ; especialmente queremos agradecerles su sonrisa y excelente disposición en todo momento.

Ana Lince – Septiembre 2015

Nuestro recorrido en el velero Jivago fue inolvidable. Las aguas cristalinas y el cielo nocturno nos quitaron el aliento. Muchas gracias al Capitan Yuri, sus atenciones y paciencia fueron inagotables, aun con nuestras condiciones especiales. Los recuerdos que nos quedan seran un tesoro para toda la vida.

la foto

Asunción – Agosto 2015

Estimada Eunice, Ya estamos de vuelta de un fin de semana muy agradable en San Blas. Polo y Beto son personas maravillosas que colaboraron a que todo salga muy bien. Tienen historias muy interesantes y cocinan rico. Por favor agradéceles de nuestra parte. Gracias a ti también y a toda la organización. Saludos Asunción.

Roberto Fasquelle y Adriana Kudo – Agosto 2015

Katherine y Grace – Agosto 2015

Hola Jaime. Antes que nada queremos agradecerte por TODO absolutamente todo el apoyo que tu y tu grupo nos han brindado durante este proceso. Queremos decirte que el Niño y Rony nos enamoraron totalmente y superan todas nuestras expectativas! De verdad estamos muy agradecidas, TODO fue un éxito gracias a ustedes.

Joan Fernandez – Julio 2015

Todo fue genial! Barco, itinerario, comida y sobretodo “niño y ronnie”! Muchas gracias. Recomendaremos el servicio a nuestros amigos

Steve & Anne Muntz – July 2015

Hi, We just wanted to rave about our great trip with Nino and Roney on the Nikita! Anne and I had an amazing, relaxing, delicious and fun-filled four days cruising around the San Blas Islands. We\’re telling all our friends about our great trip and we hope your business grows, but only enough that the islands are not too cramped with the tourist crowds. Thanks so much!

Jorge Guzzi – Junio 2015

Hola Eunice, Quería agradecerles la excelente atención del cap Niño, y su ayudante ana, nos hicieron pasar unos días excelentes, son muy buenos anfitriones, siempre dispuestos para lo que necesitáramos.

Gracias, y prometemos volver.

Cara & Craig – June 2015


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John Fraser – June 2015

Hi Jaime, We had a most amazing weekend on “Destination Unknown” with Captain Gilbert and his assistant Amaryllis. They were incredible hosts and went out of their way to make our trip a lifetime memory. Thank you for all your last minute arrangements – we will be recommending your company to all our friends!

Christina Stoney – May 2015

tripadvisorOur family of 4 had a fabulous 3-day sailing experience with San Blas Sailing, and if you are thinking of chartering a boat and sailing the San Blas Islands, look no further. San Blas Sailing is a well-run company and exceeded all of our expectations for a great trip to the San Blas Islands. JC was our very experienced captain and Roney was his wonderful assistant. The islands are gorgeous, we enjoyed learning about the Guna people, and JC and Roney were incredible hosts and went out of their way to make the experience enjoyable for us. At the end of the trip, Roney even took my daughter and I to his village and introduced us to his family members so that we could learn more about the Guna lifestyle and culture. Visited May 2015

Denise Menestrey de Kappeli – Mayo 2015

IMG_0086 - copiaBuenos dias Melody, Quiero agradecerles enormemente porque hemos pasado unos días inolvidables con mi esposo y mis hijos en el Jivago. Yuri que aparte de ser un excelente conocedor del área, nos hizo sentir seguros, cómodos, muy bien tratados y sobretodo un gran Chef! Los felicito! Llevo 10 anos viviendo en Panamá y es la mejor experiencia que hemos tenido acá. De nuevo fue un placer!

Bénédicte Buffet – Avril 2015

Bonjour Mélody, Je voulais vous remercier pour l’organisation de notre séjour en voilier. Tout était parfait. Nous voudrions également remercier Cécile et Javier pour leur accueil et leur compagnie durant ses 4 jours.

Kim Aamot – April 2014

James – April 2015

Dear Melody, Bernard, Adri and Edu,

As I sit preparing for the up and coming safari season, my mind keeps reflecting back to the amazing journey with my three daughters with Eduardo and Adriana, through the San Blas Islands on Ti Kay. What a hidden jewel you have tucked away there. Nobody I talked to on my travels through the US were aware of their existence, which makes it an even more exciting destination.

Those coconut palm fringed islands have to be some of the most beautiful and picturesque on this earth. With so many undamaged coral reefs to explore, with such a diversity of fish life, including many different shark species, which is a great indicator of a healthy ecosystem, as they have been decimated in many other parts of the world. Eduardo’s extraordinary knowledge of the reefs and currents allowing us to snorkel with the currents along reefs so rich in life, or to follow him as he went out over the reef to look for fresh dinner, was such a learning experience for all of us.

lobster cooked by Adri in every conceivable way cannot be too bad a life!

Turning fresh caught fish into the most delicious meals that even Isabella, known to only like pasta in her former life loved every meal. Now I will have to pay for the most exotic tastes acquired on the boat for the rest of my life!

The years spent by Adri and Edu not only have given them an incredible knowledge to steer us through this maze of tricky reefs, which are not easy, but what a way they have with all the wonderful Huna indians living on the islands. They have a fascinating gentle way of life, that was opened up to us by a rapport that could only have developed over the years spent in the area.

It is really hard to explain to anyone that has not experienced your San Blas just how much we all as individuals took away with us. For that thank you all for the most wonderful family experience.

Salaams and welcome to my home in Kenya anytime to return the hospitality,


Vladislav Sokolov – 2014

fernando 2014-10Sorry for late reply. Last year, using your company, I spent a wonderful week on the yacht in Panama San Blas Archipelago with Captain Fernando. I would like to say a big thank you and especially the captain Fernando for an unforgettable time spent at sea.

Elvira y Alex

Hola Adriana y Edu,

Ya estamos de vuelta a la vida rutinaria de empresa!!! 🙂

Muchas gracias por todo, nos encanto la experiencia y conoceros. Echaremos de menos las playas, los paisajes preciosos, la desconexión total y por supuesto la comida 😉

Un abrazo y esperamos dar otro saltito mientras estamos en Colombia!

Sandra, Jordi, Alex y Nina – Marzo 2015

Muchas gracias por vuestras atenciones estos días. Lo hemos pasado fantastico y ha sido toda una experiencia para la familia entera. Un fuerte abrazo ya hasta pronto.

Robert Bowles – March 2015

San Blas SailingWe are back in Panama City after two incredible days in San Blas. Thank you so much for helping arrange this amazing trip. The sailboat was so nice and Niño was a great captain and cook.

Maria Sirvent – Enero 2015

María SirventEste enero 2015 tuve la oportunidad de viajar a bordo del Lady Jane con una amiga y fue fantástico. Aunque fue un viaje compartido y no conocíamos a nuestro compañero de recorrido, fue muy divertido y enriquecedor el compartir este velero todos juntos. Cota y Raphael fueron unos anfitriones de 10. Eligieron el recorrido perfecto para los 4 días que estuvimos allí. Pescaron para nosotros, nos dieron a probar variedad de pescado y mariscos… ¡Incluso los postres y cócteles que nos prepararon fueron caseros! Además, gracias a su buena relación con los kunas, pudimos conocer de cerca su cultura y costumbres, incluso compartir juegos y risas con ellos. No creo que exista mejor manera para visitar San Blas que con ellos. ¡Muchas gracias por la experiencia!


Familles Largeron et Mounier – Janvier 2015

Bonjour à toute l’équipe de San Blas Sailing, Nous sommes les Familles Largeron et Mounier ayant loué le lagoon 500 VIP One du 29 Janvier au 9 février.

Nous tenions à vous faire parvenir ce message pour vous exprimer nos sentiments suite à notre séjour.

Nous tenons tout d’abord à remercier Anais, Yoann et Eduardo qui ont contribué à nous faire passer des moments magiques et inoubliables. Des moments qui resteront à jamais gravés dans nos mémoires. Que dire de la façon dont nous avons été reçu, juste parfait…strictement rien à reprocher, pourtant croyez-nous que nous sommes des gens exigeants tant avec nous-mêmes qu’avec les autres que se soit dans le travail ou dans les loisirs comme ce fut le cas ici.
Nous n’avons aucune fausse note à relever.

Les repas préparés par Anais, tout simplement sublimes, ce mélange de fraîcheurs, de saveurs, toujours une cohésion parfaite dans la préparation des plats. Des sauces parfaites et des assaisonnements toujours maîtrisés. Des présentations toujours plus que soignées avec des petites fleurs et pleins d’autres petites bricoles…Bravo Anais !!!!

Yoann, super capitaine, la tête sur les épaules, une attention toujours toute particulière à notre bien être, et faire en sorte que nos vacances soit sans soucis aucun.
Je me souviendrais toujours de cette sortie en cayak où, arrivé avec les enfants sur la petite île, Il a pensé a se retirer pour faire paraître les enfants seuls sur l’île le temps d’une photo…avec le recul, je suis bouche bée !
Les sorties en “snorckle” pour nous faire découvrir la faune et la flore dont il est tant passionné…
Sans parler de ses talents de barman !

Eduardo, quelle rencontre !!!, une famille exceptionnelle, une leçon de vie dans son village de Nargana. Il fût lui aussi une personne indispensable au bon déroulement de nos vacances, toujours présent, très poli, allant même jusqu’à offrir des t-shirt à nos 2 garçons. Quand on sait qu’ils n’ont pas grand chose, ce fût tellement touchant! Toujours le sourire, attentionné avec nos enfants, autant fan de football qu’eux, il s’est passionné par les étiquettes panini des garçons qui lui ont ont laissé leurs doubles….
Le seul reproche, il n’a pas réussi à nous pêcher un poisson avec la canne….!!!

Le bateau et l’annexe toujours “nickel”, les chambres, salle d’eau faites tous les jours avec minutie, bref nous avons été conquis. Une équipe au top qui s’est être présente et discrète lorsqu’il le faut. L’aventure n’aurait pas été la même sans ces 3 personnes à bord, nous en sommes certains.

Ma femme a rarement pleuré pour des séparations, j’en reste encore surpris.

Une chose est sur, c’est que si j’investis comme prévu dans un lagoon (je cherche un lagoon 440 si vous en connaissez un a vendre), comme j’ai l’intention de le faire, je laisserai sans problème la main à cette équipe remarquable, qui saura préserver la longévité du matériel.

Bonne continuation à vous!


Julia – TripAdvisor: Enero 2015

San Blas Sailing – El paraíso encontrado con Rafio y Cota

tripadvisorNosotros (mi novio y yo) visitamos las Islas de San Blas se puede tramitar el alquiler de un barco con San Blas Sailing. En resumen, fue una experiencia de ensueño y no podríamos hablar mejor sobre Rafio y Cota. Nuestro viaje fue 6 días en el barco, con Rafio diseñar una ruta para nosotros el primer día basada en lo que nos dijo que le gustaría hacer y ver. Queríamos ir a islas remotas con tan pocas personas como sea posible, y esto es sin duda emitido el – En la mayoría de las islas que visitamos no había un alma.

El barco y tripulación – Lady Jane, Rafio (capitán) y Cota (tripulación): En realidad tuvimos suerte ya que había una oportunidad otra pareja iba a ser el 2-cabaña barco con nosotros, pero debido a la falta de reserva terminamos el barco a nosotros, con Rafio y Cota. Lady Jane no es un barco de lujo si eso es lo que buscas, pero tiene todo lo que usted necesita. Rafio y Cota era increíble. Nos hicieron sentir como reyes, siempre asegurarse de que teníamos todo lo que necesitábamos (y ni siquiera sabía que pedir). Fuimos a pescar local lo llevó para afuera Rafio casi todos los días para que nos lo marisco fresco, y Cota es una cocinera (todavía no puedo creer que algunas de las cosas que ella fue capaz de preparar fácilmente en un barco). Estas dos personas sin duda hizo que nuestro viaje, me he raramente nos encontramos interesantes tales individuos tan profesional sobre lo que hacen. Muy recomendable.

Las islas y la vela – Como ya se ha mencionado en otros comentarios, si estás buscando un todo inlusive de tipo vacacional de lujo, ir a otro lugar. San Blas es para personas interesadas en explorar un lugar único en la tierra, se rige por el representante Kuna Yala tribu, que viven en un entorno muy básico y conseguir su livelyhood de pesca, artesanías, y hoy también turismo (te venga y vender sus capturas todos los días de su mano-talladas poco canoas justo en su barco, y llevan el transporte entre isla hijo sus botes de motor). Las islas son preciosas, no hay nada como que no he visto en ningún otro sitio. Porque hay muchos de ellos, la navegación entre tiende a ser muy tranquilo, no Seas bravo. En nuestro viaje, nos cruzado un parche más abierto dos veces, y necesitaba contar con algún Gravol. En retrospectiva aquí hay consejos a cualquiera preocupado por sensación sentir naúseas: no tome Gravol o un medicamento parecido a menos que estés bien siendo completamente impactados. Parece ser que es cómo estas píldoras trabajo – te ponen a dormir. Si tuviera que hacer esto otra vez me gustaría absolutamente Stick a recursos naturales – jengibre ayuda mucho y también hay más píldoras naturales puede tomar. Pero en conjunto la enfermedad de mar no era un gran problema para nosotros.

Actividades – Pasamos nuestros días haciendo yoga en las islas, haciendo un montón de esnórquel (dependiendo de la isla se puede ver un poco de pescado y hermosos rayos), explorar las islas, y comer deliciosos mariscos. En la víspera de Navidad tuvimos una gran barbacoa/potluck en una isla donde un montón de barcos reunidos y buenas 25 personas llegaron a celebrar juntos, definitivamente la Navidad más exclusivo que hemos tenido. Sin duda llevar un buen libro y jugar a las cartas, esto es un total abandono del mundo moderno. No facebook o envíe un correo electrónico para distraerse de la naturaleza de los alrededores.

Amy Cutting – February 2015

amyOn behalf of our group, many thanks for doing such a wonderful job making our travel experience to SanBlas a smooth and enjoyable one! We certainly plan to recommend SanBlas Sailing to friends & family & will certainly utilize your services again when we are in Panama. The Spartivento crew: Captain Polo & Pastor & Riza, our airplane pilot Carlos, our hotel-to-Albrook/Albrook-to-hotel driver Fernando all were delightful & accommodating.

Marie et Bernard Gévaudan – Février 2015

Après 3 jours passés sur le catamaran Michto avec Cécile et Javier, nous tenions à vous dire notre satisfaction. Cécile possède une parfaite maitrise du bateau, Javier est un cuisinier qui nous a régalé durant tout le séjour, plats excellents, présentation soignée..Ils sont tous les 2 très efficaces, attentionnés, bien organisés , à l’écoute des envies de leurs passagers et très conviviaux. Nous avons vécu grâce à eux des journées de détente totale dans un environnement magnifique, et des très bonnes soirées…Dès notre arrivée sur le bateau, nous nous sommes sentis comme chez nous…Ils nous ont accompagnés à l’aérodrome et malgré le retard , ils sont restés jusqu’à notre départ, Javier est même retourné au bateau nous chercher du café et une bombe insecticide pour “combattre ” les mouches locales …Merci de leurs transmettre nos remerciements et nos bons souvenirs pour ce séjour.

Nerea Cierco – Febrero 2015

nereaHola Jaime, Me gustaría agradecerte y felicitarte por el viaje que nos ayudaste a organizar para San Blas. Nos ha encantado la experiencia y nos ha encantado el velero Lady Jane así como su tripulación Rapha y Cota, súper atentos con nosotros. Si tú no me hubieses ofrecido esa opción este viaje no hubiese existido nunca y ha valido muchísimo la pena. Gracias por todo una vez más. Todo fue perfecto.

Darla & Brent – January 2015

AMAZING honeymoon experience on board of Bip Bip! We had such a great time with Marie and Manu. They are such wonderful friends. Since the moment we met them they were very welcoming and making sure we where having a wonderful time. Their relationship with the Kuna Yala villagers of San Blas is like they are family. Marie even gave me a manicure during our trip. The one thing I enjoyed and miss the most is their exquisite cuisine. Marie has a unique touch to everything she makes. She even taught me how to make the best chocolate mousse, it was really the best I’ve ever tried. Trust me I know I live in NYC!

If you are looking for an UNFORGETTABLE time with wonderful people and delicious food, don’t think twice!! Mari and Manu are the BEST! We would do it again for sure!

Mari and Manu,
Thank You for making our honeymoon so special!

Elayne Dauber – January 2015

San Blas Sailing with Rafio and Cota on the Lady Jane

tripadvisorWe visited San Blas for 3 days in January 2015 and stayed on the Lady Jane. Our host and hostess, Rafio and Cota, were terrific. They started by asking us what our priorities were and then proceeded to custom plan the 3 days to fit our desires. The boat was quite comfortable, the food was absolutely fresh and deliciously prepared, Rafio and Cota were careful to preserve our privacy, and their language skills were excellent.

San Blas is beautiful. The Kuna Indians are very interesting, doing a valiant job of preserving their culture in a changing world. We found them friendly and happy to share, primarily because Rafio and Cota have such a good relationship with them.

The trip is not a luxury resort experience and anyone hoping for that would be disappointed. It is terrific for lovers of sailing and people interested in a unique cultural experience. Traveling by boat is essential to go anywhere in San Blas, and provides flexibility and comfort in an area where there is almost no infrastructure for tourists.

Samira, Fouad et Kenza – Octobre 2014

Nous avons passé 3 nuits sur le bateau, fin août. Nous avons été enchantés du séjour! Le bateau est confortable. Manu et Marie sont à la fois professionnels et chaleureux. Ils nous ont fait découvrir des îles vierges d’une beauté exceptionnelle et nous avons passé de très agréables soirées tous ensemble sur le bateau. Marie assure en cuisine! Et Manu assure à la barre, et à la logistique. Nous reviendrons!

Celine – Septembre 2014

Super moment dans les San blas avec Marie et Manu et les Kunas cuisine parfaite Marie est petit soins pour vous , bateau au top merci au capitaine Manu pour la découvertes des iles !!!!! génial a refaire

Merce & Pepe – May 2014

We spend 8 days with Marie and Manolo in their wonderfull cataraman. It was the best holiday in a boat in our live. We have rent boats around the world and we have never meet so nice people. Marie is a excellent “cuisinier” and Manolo the best skyper we never meet. Don’t doubt to spend you holiday with them in the San Blas paradise.

R. Rous: Janvier 2014

Je souhaite anticiper un éventuel questionnaire pour vous faire part de toute notre satisfaction quant à la prestation réalisée à bord du NIKITA. En quelques mots:

Le capitaine, particulièrement disponible et attentif à notre bien-être à bord, pro dans la conduite de son navire et une excellente connaissance du site. Son co-équipier Ronny, d’origine Kuna, excellent cuisinier et prévenant à notre égard. Très bon esprit, d’humeur égale, convivial et sérieux dans l’accomplissement des taches à bord. Nous n’avons manqué de rien, nous sommes sentis en sécurité (à bord et durant les sorties pêche) et sommes repartis ravis, enchantés de nos vacances à bord du catamaran. Merci de bien vouloir transmettre à vos contacts tous nos remerciements.

Dan Russel – TripAdvisor: December 2011

Fantastic Sailing Experience with San Blas Sailing on Catamaran Bip Bip

tripadvisorMy family (myself, my wife, daughter and son-in-law) was fortunate to have been “guests” through San Blas Sailing on the catamaran Bip Bip in the San Blas Islands in late December 2011. The only unfortunate thing about the trip is that it was only 2 nights long.

San Blas sailing arranged for us to be driven to the town of Carti in the San Blas Islands. This road is an adventure in itself, but the trip was uneventful and we were delivered to the river where we met our captain, Manu, and a boarded a launch to be transported to the Bip Bip. Our only complaint about San Blas Sailing is that they did not let us know the extent of the “local” charges that the Kuna Yala tribe adds to the cost of transport. Again, being surprised by the amount of the local fees is our ONLY complaint. The rest of our trip was FANTASTIC.

We were met on the boat and offered refreshments at 8:30 a.m. and then pulled anchor to start sailing to one of the islands. We stopped along the way to snorkel and then went on to the island for lunch and more snorkeling/swimming. The next 2 days were wonderful and included:

  • Snorkeling, swimming and enjoying the sun at Isla Moiron, Isla Cambambia, and Isla Verde.
  • Gourmet breakfasts, lunch and dinner each day with rum, wine and beer offered. Nelly is an accomplished chef who prepared, “from scratch”, meals using only fresh local ingredients. She even made her own bread on the stovetop daily!
  • One barbeque lunch on a deserted island with chicken/green peppers/onion kabobs. They used drift wood for the fire and set up tables for the food. Beer/wine/sangria also! We snorkeled on the reef around the island both before and after lunch.

They bought fresh fish, lobster, crab and shrimp from the Kuna Yala Indians who had just caught them. From this bounty they made many wonderful meals.
Aperitifs were served every evening consisting of rum punch, beer & wine or sangria. One night we had champagne with Kir Royale
Even better than the fabulous sailing and the incredible food, was the way that both Manu and Nelly made us feel welcome on their boat. They treated us like friends not just like clients – although they never would let us help with any of the preparation or clean up. They asked about our lives and told us about their travels. They were very interesting and were truly wonderful hosts.
One example of their true hospitality was when our plane (Air Panama) was 8 hours late. They were well informed by San Blas Sailing of a 4 hour delay, so we got to sleep in. Then, San Blas sailing informed them that it was going to be another 4 hours late so they made us lunch of left over fish and chicken from the previous days meals and stayed with us offshore waiting for the plane. It was Christmas Eve Day and they had personal plans that they delayed on our account, but never made us feel unwelcome.
This was an incredible experience on a comfortable, clean, well maintained and well run, luxurious catamaran with wonderful people. Truly amazing!

Tara Cannon – Canada: May 2014

Arild Vegrim – Norway: August 2013

The comfort of the ship was unquestionably very good. As being an expedient sailor myself it was joyful to see the maintenance the Captain must have going on to keep the ship in this good condition. They just clean at any time. I would cross the Atlantic with VIP at any time.

Carlos Valencia – Panama: Avril 2014

Bien que j’aie déjà donné mes impressions à Mélody cet après-midi concernant notre séjour sur le VIP ONE je voulais également te confirmer que tout s’est parfaitement bien passé.

Yoann et Anaïs ont été extrêmement professionnels et attentifs et auront beaucoup contribué à ce que nous gardions un magnifique souvenir de ce séjour. Tout a été impeccable, la navigation, le choix des sites (merci pour tes conseils, nous avons beaucoup aimé Isla Verde), les repas, le snorkel, et en plus ils ont été particulièrement sympas et bienveillants avec les enfants.

Nous espérons tous qu’ils seront encore sur le bateau lors de notre prochain séjour. Un dernier mot pour Uribe, très gentil, et grâce auquel nous avons pu déguster plusieurs crabes et langoustes magnifiquement préparés par Anaïs.

Bref, 10 sur 10 sur tous les points.

Mia La Revista – Panamá: Octubre 2014









WISH Magazine – Brazil: May 2014

Voltage Productions – Youtube: August 2014

Martin – TripAdvisor: March 2014

Amazing experience

tripadvisorWe had a fantastic time with Roberto and Mira aboard Lady Jane during our sailing trip in San Blas Islands. They showed us the nicest corners of the archipelago and we enjoyed very much the sailing, snorkeling (so much to see, even rays!!), beach barbecue, Guna culture and the great food Roberto and Mira prepared for us. They were always very helpful and friendly hosts and we especially enjoyed a visit of Soledad Miria where due to Roberto´s knowledge of the Guna people we had the opportunity to see how they live without being too “touristy”. Thank you so much for this wonderful experience of living on Lady Jane for 5 nights, our Carribean dream came true!!
We also booked through San Blas Sailing and found that it was well organized although there was a delay of one hour in the morning for the transfer from the hotel to Cartí. We had experienced drivers and there was no problem at all if you know that you have to cross a hilly area on small but paved roads to get to the Carribean Coast. We would have only wished a little more information on the boat jetty where to find the right transfer boat but could finally manage to find it ourselves.

Victoria – TripAdvisor: October 2014

Sailing on Lady Jane

tripadvisorReservamos 3 noches en vela la Señora Jane por San Blas Sailing. El barco está limpio y en buenas condiciones y Roberto, el capitán es excelente. Es divertido, interesante y muy bien informado sobre San Blas tener navegamos allí por 10 años. Comimos un montón de mariscos frescos – Roberto es una cocinera excelente. Recomiendo encarecidamente este barco para explorar las hermosas islas de San Blas.

Christine – TripAdvisor: February 2014

Sailing on the Lady Jane
tripadvisorWe booked a 4 day tour of the San Blas islands through San Blas Sailing. We sailed with Roberto on Lady Jane. It was very comfortable and the food was fabulous. We ate grilled Lobster, pasta with Octopus and different kinds of Ceviche. One day Roberto caught a Tuna and we had grilled steaks. It is a magical part of the world and a sailboat is the best way to see the islands. Roberto has been sailing in San Blas for a long time and knows everybody and exactly where to go for the best swimming and snorkeling. He was a very entertaining host and made sure that everyone had a good time. A four day tour felt like just the right length of time, it was relaxing and never boring.

Dominic – TripAdvisor: August 2012

Lady Jane or Tai Phou sailing – anyone sail on these?

tripadvisorHi. Just for back from 3 days on lady Jane. It was an absolute joy. San blas sailing were outstanding, and Ricardo (the captain) is a real character who went out of his way to make our few days there special. He is very knowledgable about the kuna and a great cook. He even taught us to sail a bit. Worth every penny! 2 weeks in Panama and this was the highlight by a country mile. The boat is rustic and charming and the islands are bliss.

mexirish – TripAdvisor: December 2007

A Unique Paradise

tripadvisorWe rented a charter through San Blas Sailing and could not have gotten more from it, San Blas is truly an extraordinary place to get away from it all, relax, enjoy life, and savor the beauty of deserted islands, corral reefs, and a lifestyle apart. The local Kuna Yala indians are proud and rightly so, they are protecting a very special part of the world and a culture that owes nothing to any other in the world. We motored/sailed for 4 days and anchored each night a a new and more beautiful island, played on the sand by day, snorkelled by afternoon, and enjoyed a fine meal of crab, lobster, or fish plus a glass of wine by night, it is hard to imagine a better or more relaxing vacation. Thanks to our excellent capitan, we got to see and enjoy a unique paradise at an incredibly reasonable rate and with nothing but positives to remember. Highly recommended.

4travelers2014 – TripAdvisor: March 2014

San Blas Sailing amazing. Stay on Pepita

tripadvisorI had not planned this vacation very well, all i knew is that i wanted and needed to get away last month, a friend had talked to me years ago about Panama and the San Blas islands, it was time to go explore what it was all about. I found the company “San Blas Sailing” online, looked at their website and excellent reviews, emailed them inquiring about possibilities and options available, and our trip was organized and booked in no time.The team in their Panama City office responded right away, was so helpful and professional, I felt immediately at ease and confident that this was the company to travel with and trust with our wellbeing and our vacation.

Our San Blas sailing adventure aboard Jivago with Jean-Charles and Yuri is one of the best vacations we’ve ever had, it was an astonishing 3-weeks-escapade in a haven of peace, wonders and beauty!

Our brilliant crew couldn’t have been more thoughtful and attentive to our every need and desire, JC set up a dreamy itinerary for us in the San Blas, all the way to Cartagena and back. We got to experience the life on Jivago (a first time sailing experience for both of us), but we also got to spend time on many islands and meet some of JC’s lovely friends, Kuna and fellow sailors. To mention only a few of our daily activities, my favorites were probably snorkeling the gorgeous reef in different areas, eating the catch of the day deliciously prepared by our genius chef and captain JC, discovering the Kuna culture, swimming every morning in such a pristine, lush and amazing setting, sailing the open sea to Cartagena, kayaking to a Colombian village, dining under the stars with the most fun and warm hosts I’ve had the privilege to meet and their friends. The photos may speak better of how happy we are and how good it was, I can’t remember when was the last time I smiled so big and so much, for so long.

We are so thankful to the San Blas Sailing team for setting everything up for us in such a perfect way, and our beloved captain-now-friend Jean-Charles and his assistant Yuri for giving us the time of our lives in the San Blas. We learned a ton, enjoyed it all like there was no tomorrow, and shall return as soon as we can. I highly recommend this voyage and company to everyone, experienced or not, family, couple or single, there’s something for everyone, it’s amazing!

natybebe – TripAdvisor: July 2012

Magical trip-Can’t wait 2 do it again! PEPITA/San Blas Sailing is the way to go!

tripadvisorSi desea reservar un viaje en velero no busques más que . Reservé con Jorge que no podría haber sido más atento, profesional, servicial y atento durante todo el proceso de reserva hasta justo antes de nuestra llegada. No es un momento pasado donde teníamos alguna dudas sobre lo que él había confirmado para nosotros. Su conocimiento y paciencia fueron muy apreciado.

Habíamos reservado la pepita para nuestro viaje. Originalmente un grupo de 6 y 4 se convirtió en el último minuto, con dicho esto no estaban en el mejor de bebidas alcohólicas.

que se revirtió a nuestra llegada, nos recibió nuestro capitán Gilbert y luego la anfitriona encantadora/chef Elisabeth.

No puedo decir suficientes cosas buenas sobre Gilbert y Elisabeth. La mitad de las veces que no nos dimos cuenta de que estábamos allí y la otra mitad nos reímos y pasar el rato con ellos. Gilbert es el capitán ideal para un viaje como este, aventurero, eficientes, respetuoso y muy fresco. Elisabeth es un cocinero excelente que puede hacer algo sobre la marcha, ella es también increíblemente divertido, dulce y entendido que ella es kuna. Juntos hacen un equipo increíble que se enorgullecen de la cultura kuna y tradiciones. Tuvimos el privilegio de conectar con artesanos locales y los residentes durante algunas visitas de la isla.

Este viaje fue muy especial y memorable- hemos hablado hacerlo otra vez. Estamos todos bien viajado y acordó nunca tuvimos una experiencia como antes. San Blas es verdaderamente mágico y fácil enamorarse. Esperamos reserva con San Blas Sailing nuevamente y con Gilbert & Elisabeth.

Christine Huk Mann

Hazel Navarrete – Diciembre 2014

Sylvie – Octobre 2014

“la plus belle experience ! Bip Bip catamaran the best une lune de miel parfaite”

tripadvisorle paradis existe vraiment sur le Bip Bip catamaran dans les San Blas /Panama. Manu et Marie nos hotes ont tous mis en oeuvre pour que ce séjour soit le plus extraordinaire ! avec succès …une réussite totale!

dès notre arriver après un transfer des plus spéciale par petit avion oufs l expérience ils nous ont pris en charge toujours souriant, de bon humeur, avenant, discret et respectueux . ils nous ouvrent les portes de leurs bonheur …. leur passion.

nous sommes tout de suite sentie comme chez nous, a l’écoute de nos besoins ils ont su nous amener a apprécier toutes les beautés de ces iles jusque l’a inconnu
Marie nous a concocter tout un menu un régal pendant 7 jours…. de l araignée de mer au cannelloni maison en passant par un fondant au chocolat sans oublier la super tarte au citron fait maison ….sur un bateau ! chapeau Marie tu as toute notre admiration et notre capitaine qui a su nous rassurer a tout moment , nous faire explorer ce monde jusqu’alors inconnu en passant par la navigation, aux iles kunas, le bbq au bois, les solutions vents pour que je profites plus (vu le beau temps et la chaleur intense)…

nous avons ri nager vu des raies manger, bu des ti punch de manu et les planters de marie, bronzer, fait la sieste, visiter des kunas, acheter de magnifique molla, suer lollll et jouer au perudo trop de fun partager
a faire et refaire sans hesitation si vous voulez vraiment changer de routine n hesitez pas je le recommande et je suis une cliente vraiment pas facile …..:-)
encore merci a vous deux Marie et Manu

et merci a mon amour pour ce magnifique voyage de noce xxxxxx

Adeline & Deny – April 2014

The experience aboard Bip Bip was truly fantastic. Being on a boat is different than a hotel. You are in close quarters with strangers for a number of days. If the captain and mate aren’t right it can be really bad. But Manu and Marie on the Bip Bip were incredible hosts. They were truly welcoming and were always looking to see that our every wish was met. They have the right personalities, Marie keeps a really clean boat, is a great cook and a charming hostess. Manu is a technically competent sailor who knows the San Blas waters well, so you feel safe. He does a great job of mechanical maintenance, which is not easy in the San Blas. He has a great sense of humor and he was really good with our kids, taking great delight on snorkeling adventures etc. With their warm and caring personalities Manu and Marie have also made great friends with the Guna Yala people, which means you get a much richer cultural experience when you are interacting with them. In summary they really went out of their way to make sure we had a fantastic trip and we did.

I would highly recommend Manu and Marie and the Bip Bip for a truly memorable time in the beautiful San Blas.

Beth Nagalsk

Adriana y Roberto: Agosto 2013

Unas cortas lineas para dejarles saber que tuvimos un viaje maravilloso. Realmente fue una experiencia única. Habíamos estado muchas veces en San Blas, pero poder hacer el recorrido con la experiencia de un catamaran llevo el viaje a otro nivel. Nuestras referencias sobre San Blas Sailing y el VIP ONE solo serán positivas; nos hemos convertido en grandes promotores.

Abigail Benzadón Cohen – Diciembre 2013

La verdad que superó nuestras expectativas. Quisiera de igual forma que re enviaras este mensaje a los dueños porque sinceramente, estoy sorprendida por el alto grado de profesionalismo de nuestros Gunas, si no hubiera sido por esta experiencia, aun siendo panameña, no habría vivido lo interesante de esta cultura por lo que merecen mi admiración por desarrollar el turismo en el área y darles la oportunidad de superación a nuestros ciudadanos. Las atenciones y esmero con que fuimos atendidos tanto por el capitán Axel no nos dejan queja alguna de nuestro viaje, muy por el contrario, reciban nuestro agradecimiento porque el viaje fue sobre todo, seguro para viajar con niños y una gran experiencia.

Terence – Trip Advisor: March 2013

“Una experiencia increíble con San Blas Sailing a bordo “Bip Bip” con el capitán Manu”

tripadvisorAcabamos de regresar de un viaje de cuatro días inolvidables de navegar a través de las Islas de San Blas a bordo del catamarán “Bip Bip”. Nuestro viaje comenzó en la ciudad de Panamá donde abordamos un pequeño avión que nos llevó directamente a las islas de San Blas (unos 40 minutos), donde Manu nuestro capitán nos estaba esperando. Aunque su inglés era limitado y nuestro francés y español aún más limitado, que no tuvimos problemas de comunicación.

El primer día estaba compuesto de vela a una hermosa pequeña isla donde disfrutamos bebidas en la playa seguido de una barbacoa de marisco en la playa. decir que la langosta era fresco sería insuficiente, ya que fueron entregadas en el barco directamente por dos personas de Kuna en una canoa madera. Ese primer almuerzo barbacoa fue la primera de muchas comidas inolvidables como pronto descubrimos las habilidades culinarias de nuestro capitán francés.

otro destaque del viaje fue el buceo, que es verdaderamente de clase mundial. Nunca he visto tal abundancia de peces y vida marina.

El barco “Bip Bip” fue meticulosamente cuidados, excepcionalmente limpias y bien preparado para nuestro viaje. Mientras que obviamente bebí un poco más de lo que esperaba, Manu tuvimos problemas resupplying gracias a sus conexiones entre la gente Kuna que lo hacen entregas diarias a el barco de alcohol, fruta y marisco fresco.

No podemos recomendar el Bip Bip y el capitán Manu lo suficiente.

Bob Parson – February 2013

bob_parsonHi Jaime, We had a great time in Panama and a wonderful four days of sailing on the Varuna with Capt. Claude in February. He found some great anchorages and snorkeling spots, the food was really good and we had a great trip. what a beautiful part of the world to visit and sailing is the way to do it. Thanks again!

PS: I’ve posted photos online, please feel free to use any from the San Blas set that you wish to.

Debbie Baird and Judy Bell: December 2012

I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know that Judy and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves with Roberto, our captain and the Lady Jane in early December. I think feedback is important.

Roberto was gracious, had a sense of humor, a great story teller and you could tell he truly loves to sail and be on the water, it’s in his veins. His ship, altho old was in excellent condition and clean. Having sailed in this area for so long, he has a great rapport with the local Kunas and we stopped on a few of the small islands where we purchased molas, fresh caught fish and lobster and one Kuna lady cooked our fish and made us coconut rice that we enjoyed under a palapas on the most beautiful beach. Roberto knew of some pretty great snorkeling spots and we took advantage of them. Roberto can really cook fish… and his signature fish carpaccio put any other ceviche we had in Panama to shame. We had just had one “almost” glitch.. we dropped anchor for lunch and Roberto mentioned where we would be anchoring that nite and where we would be visting the next day…Uh.. we were leaving the next day! Glad he brought that up. No biggie we just picked up anchor after lunch and high tailed it back to island near the airstrip for our early morning departure. I just wanted to give you some feedback as we had a very relaxing and enjoyable time on the Lady Jane and with Roberto and we would highly recommend Roberto and his ship.

Javier Bolzico – Marzo 2012

Ya estamos de regreso en el hotle El Panamá. Todo ha salido en forma excelente. Quiero agradecerte a ti y a tu jefa por haber ayudado a que organicemos esto en tan poco tiempo y solucionando no pocos obstáculos. El Lady Jane y su capitán Roberto son excelentes. Roberto es buen capitán, chef y persona; fue muy grata la estadía. Sin dudas volvería a ir con él.

PD: finalmente compré un caña en el lugar que me indicaste. Fue una suerte, ya que – contra tu pronóstico- hemos pescado bastante.

Emma – TripAdvisor: October 2010

San Blas Sailing, a brilliant time with wonderful people

tripadvisorI had not planned this vacation very well, all i knew is that i wanted and needed to get away last month, a friend had talked to me years ago about Panama and the San Blas islands, it was time to go explore what it was all about. I found the company “San Blas Sailing” online, looked at their website and excellent reviews, emailed them inquiring about possibilities and options available, and our trip was organized and booked in no time.The team in their Panama City office responded right away, was so helpful and professional, I felt immediately at ease and confident that this was the company to travel with and trust with our wellbeing and our vacation. Our San Blas sailing adventure aboard Jivago with Jean-Charles and Yuri is one of the best vacations we’ve ever had, it was an astonishing 3-weeks-escapade in a haven of peace, wonders and beauty!

emmaOur brilliant crew couldn’t have been more thoughtful and attentive to our every need and desire, JC set up a dreamy itinerary for us in the San Blas, all the way to Cartagena and back. We got to experience the life on Jivago (a first time sailing experience for both of us), but we also got to spend time on many islands and meet some of JC’s lovely friends, Kuna and fellow sailors. To mention only a few of our daily activities, my favorites were probably snorkeling the gorgeous reef in different areas, eating the catch of the day deliciously prepared by our genius chef and captain JC, discovering the Kuna culture, swimming every morning in such a pristine, lush and amazing setting, sailing the open sea to Cartagena, kayaking to a Colombian village, dining under the stars with the most fun and warm hosts I’ve had the privilege to meet and their friends. The photos may speak better of how happy we are and how good it was, I can’t remember when was the last time I smiled so big and so much, for so long.

We are so thankful to the San Blas Sailing team for setting everything up for us in such a perfect way, and our beloved captain-now-friend Jean-Charles and his assistant Yuri for giving us the time of our lives in the San Blas. We learned a ton, enjoyed it all like there was no tomorrow, and shall return as soon as we can. I highly recommend this voyage and company to everyone, experienced or not, family, couple or single, there’s something for everyone, it’s amazing!